Friday, May 15, 2009

I Have Moved!

Just to let everyone know, I have moved my blog and I no longer will be using this one here at blogger. The new blog is:

This will be the last post on this blog so if you want to keep up with me be sure to update your bookmarks!

A Garden - FINALLY!!

Well, I finally found someone to till up the garden! The neighbor boy borrowed one of the neighbors tillers and did up my garden in less then an hour! It's a kick butt tiller too. The kind where the blades are in back of the wheels and not in front of them. I want one of those so bad!! I will be planting at the beginning of the week. It's supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow and I'm busy Sunday so maybe Monday I can start. I hope Chuck gets the blades changed on the mower soon so I can use the clippings in the garden to keep the weeds at bay.

Here is Richard doing up the garden.

I know it's in an odd place (right off the back deck) but when we rented the place out in 2006 while we were in Florida, the woman had 3 truck loads of sand brought in for her pool. This is where she put it. So, I now use it for a garden. It does REALLY well in this sandy spot. We are also going to be tearing up the back yard and getting rid of all the stumps this summer and I don't want Chuck or anyone else running the garden over with a bulldozer!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


The boys had a Tennis match yesterday. They played doubles and I finally remembered to bring my camera! Here are some pictures of them playing.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Oh My!

Okay, I'm sitting in the library using the kiddy game table so I can plug in my laptop and this kid about 15 or 16 just comes over to me asks me if I know this song, can't remember what song now, and then proceeds to sing the English version and THEN the Japanese version right here in the library!! I was SO uncomfortable!! He had purple nail polish and had a long cloth type raincoat on, just over his shoulders, and had on a t-shirt and jeans. Then talks for a while and leaves. YIKES!!

Joe had his finally band concert last night. We met his girlfriend and her mother. She seems very nice. I wanted to get a picture of both of them since they were dressed up but Joe was having none of that! LOL!

I did get a picture of the 2 of them sitting way on the other side of the gym but it turned out really dark. Oh well!

Today the piano tuner came and for 5 hours all I heard was PING, PING, PING, PING, PING!!! He really hits all those keys HARD! BUT, we now have a piano that sounds really nice!! We have been living with an WAY out of tune piano for almost a year. We had it tuned but it went out that same week. ARG!! We have to get used to it. All the songs sound wrong to us since we are used to the piano being a half step lower and flat.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Flat Tire

Man, what a day today has been! Tomorrow we are going to a birthday party so Chuck wanted to take me out for Mother's Day today. He wanted to take me to Erie and look around for porch swings and go out to eat and see a movie. We left at 2pm and we get about 10 minutes from the house and I hit something in the road and popped my back passenger side tire! I pull off into a gass well driveway and we had to call his brother, Dave, to come rescue us.


Because my spare has been dead since 2006!!! It has a bent rim and doesn't hold air, though the tire itself is fine. Wonderful!! Now we are stuck with no spare and had to call for help. Dave FINALLY gets there and takes us home and we took Chuck's truck to Erie. We got the tire fixed at Wal*Mart. We now have lost 2 hours!

But, we did have a great time! We ate at the Outback, looked around at the swings, stopped at the video store with the boys, saw the movie "Paul Blart: Mall Cop" and then went back to my truck to changed the tire.

BUT, I must have left the key turned in the ingnition as the truck was dead and I couldn't get the doors open. You have to have power to use the keypad or the remote. I haven't EVER used the key to open the door so it's froze up! SO, we left my truck there and we will deal with it tomorrow. I guess I won't be going to church and getting my flower :(

CJ's 14th Birthday

Yesterday was CJ's birthday. They only had a half day at school so I picked them up at 11:30am and went to Ashtabula. Joe got spacers put in his teeth. He will be getting a device put in to widen his upper jaw on the 20th of this month.

After that I took them to the video game store. CJ knows he is getting a XBox 360 for his birthday so he took his money and got himself a game and Joe bought him one with his own money! I was surprised at this! I bought him one too for his birthday.

Then we went and got them both new shoes. They REALLY needed them and they really like their new shoes and I liked that they were on sale!

I then went to Wal*Mart to get CJ's cake. They only had a pink cake in the size and flavor I wanted, oh well! LOL!

We finally got home around 2:30pm. CJ had his friend from school come out to play his name is Collin. Dave, my nephew, was here too helping Chuck with cleaning up the yard. Chuck tried to mow with the mower, LOL!! What a joke!! It really did NOTHING LOL!! So, he needs to put new blades on it and get it so that when we turn the key it will turn over and start running. BUT, the back deck and around the house got cleaned up. Chuck likes to put stuff EVERYWHERE and doesn't care how long it stays there!! This drives me crazy!!! So, now I know that if I want the place cleaned up, throw a big party!!! LOL!!!

So, when Collin came out we had CJ open his present.

Here is his cake

Here is the neighboros dog, Teddy, his is a BIG MOOCH!! He was here ONLY for the food, LOL!!

Here is a group eating, Collin is sitting in the back and that is Chuck's youngest brother, Paul, the girl in the yellow is Pauls and the other girls are Brenda's.

We had a fireworks show, of course!! We are fireworks crazy! It was a good show, though not huge. We all had a really good time. Dave spent the night with the boys to play on the Xbox, I went into there room at 2am and told CJ to shut it down and go to sleep! Joe and Dave where sleeping on the floor. I guess CJ was too excited to sleep, LOL!!

All in all, I think he had a good day. OH, I asked him if he wanted to invite his girlfriend and he told me that they had to break up. CJ told me that she LIED to her parents about the movie!! She said she was going with her girlfriends and didn't mention that CJ would be there too!! She isn't aloud to date till she is 16 so they had to break up. Might be for the best and he's fine with it so I am not going to worry about it. I'm glad CJ didn't lie to me about it.

He got about $45 in cash for his birthday too, this made him quiet happy!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

This Weeks Happenings

Not much has really happened this week so far. CJ will be 14 tomorrow! Then in Sept. Joe will be 13 so I will officially have 2 teenagers come Sept 5th!

The boys have been playing a lot of Tennis matches this week. This was supposed to be the last week of Tennis but they may have some make-ups to do so it may run into next week. I know I will be glad not to have to run here and there all the time.

We have to fix our mower. Chuck wanted to have a party here for CJ tomorrow and our mower needs some serious help! 2 tires, a battery, blades, and a starter thingy, LOL!! I'm glad that Chuck wanted this party, makes him fix the mower! At least I hope so. He says he's going to do that today. I usually mow once a week. I'm tired of blowing up the tires and jump starting it and turning it over with a screwdriver!!! That is how I mowed last year and this year I REFUSE to mow like that so we have REALLY tall grass right now LOL!!

Chuck bought a bunch of fireworks so we'll be having a show for his birthday too.

Work has been pretty steady for Chuck but we wish it was more. We are slowly starting to pay off all the bills that accumulated over the winter with him being out of work. This summer we are going to work on paying off everything we can and paying things up for a whole year so that the bills that come in over the winter will be much smaller. The roofing seems to be going much better this year then last year. Thank God he has his roofing company cuz the logging SUCKS!! But, I'm not going there!

Today is lunch with the girls. Every Thursday at 12:30 we meet at Crazy Dave's Sugar Bowl in town and have lunch. It's not just girls though. Sometimes we bringing our spouse's or bosses, LOL! But we have a good time. It used to be us girls that used to workout together every morning at Curves, but Curves shut down here in town and now it's just a group of people that hang out every Thursday to chat and catch up with each other.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

WLD Ranch

Today WLD Ranch had an open house where you can go for free and ride horses, shoot bow and arrows, throw hatches, take a wagon ride, and all kinds of stuff. The boys didn't want to ride horses because it was just in a circle going very slow, they thought they were to old for that, LOL! The line for the wagon ride was WAY to long so we didn't do that either. They loved shooting arrows. We took my nephew David with us too.

Then they went over and threw the hatchets.

My friend Christina and her husband, Dave and their three girls where there too. It was good to see her and to hang out with them. She forgot her camera at home so I took pictures of her girls doing all their stuff too. She was glad that I remembered my camera! LOL!! I actually took my big camera as it has a really good zoom on it. It's bulky and I don't always take it with me to places.

All in all, we had a good day! Got home by 4:15 and the kids are now watching "School for Scoundrels" then I have to run Dave up to the Church and we'll just hang out around here for the rest of the day.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Helping with the Sub Sales

I went to the church on Wed. around 10am to help with the subs. I was on the veggie crew. The kids come in later and put the sandwiches together. I was doing tomatoes and lettuce. I was doing the tomato slicer, which rocks! Wish I took a picture of it. You put the tomato on it and push it through and bam, perfect slices! It's quick and easy. The guys where coring but they couldn't keep up with me so they asked us girls to help core real quick. I said okay and started coring. I was doing 7 to their 1, they were impressed with my coring abilities so I lost my cushy job as tomato slicer!! LOL!! Pastor Carson took over that one. Ah well!

Once they were all sliced we put them in litter boxes, yup that's what they are but they were never used for that! LOL!! Then we all sat around and put 2 slices per baggie until they were all done. I think we did 750 bags.

Once we were finally done with that we all had lunch of PB&J sandwiches with chips. It was really good as that is my favorite sandwich! Then it was back to work. This time with lettuce! We had to make 750 bags of lettuce too. I did what I could but had to leave at 2pm to get the boys from school.

The boys were doing it wrong and every time you picked up a bag of lettuce it all fell out. We had to show them how to do it right and we made Seth, the one you see there, tape up all the ones they did wrong, LOL!!

Georgia cuts the bread every year. She buys it fresh the day we made the subs.

After I got the boys from school they had music lessons and then I dropped them off at the church to assemble the subs. CJ sold 12. I ate mine that night and so did Chuck! LOL! Joe had his cut in half and that made 2 lunches. CJ ate his last night before gymnastics. CJ took the subs to school and handed them out to the teachers that bought them. It was a long day but it was fun!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

CJ's First Date, oh my!

I found a note this morning on CJ's computer. I was gathering up all the laundry and found it. A whole front page! LOL!! It was so darn cute I put a date on it and kept it. He was asking if he could go out on a date with his new girlfriend of 2 weeks!! They want to see the new Hanna Montana Movie here in town. She is a couple month younger then him and they will be going with 3 other girls. LOL!! Joe and CJ have a TON of girls that are their friends and not really any guy friends. I called Chuck and read him the note over the phone. We both thought it was so cute! CJ was afraid to ask me face to face because he didn't want me to say "no". LOL!

We think it's fine as long as I drop him off at the theater and then pick him up there. Man, can't believe I'm in the next phase of life with these guys, GIRLS!! LOL!! Next will be driving and more serious dating, YIKES!! Hope I live to see them graduate, LOL!! You should see all the girls that flock around both of them! It's kind of funny really. I haven't met this girl yet so I'll have to do that. I'm NOT going to be letting him go to their house to hang out though. He hasn't asked but I know that will come. I don't mind if she comes here though. I can keep on eye on them better! So, we'll see how this plays out.

The boys might have an away Tennis game today, I need to find out so I can cancel their music lessons. I will be going to the Church here soon to help cut up veggies and help with making Subs. The kids sold a bunch to help pay their way to camp. CJ made almost enough money to pay his way. We just had to pay a dollar! LOL! Camp is $140 this year, he made $139. LOL! He got money for camp by selling those Chocolate Easter eggs too.

Becky, I hope Tater pulls through. Know that I am thinking about him and praying that he'll do just fine! Glad you got him to the doctor when you did! Poor little thing! Hope he comes home soon!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Beach and Joe

I did manage to go to the beach and look for sea glass. I found a few good pieces. I ended up getting sun burnt too! OUCH! Not too bad though. I walked around for about 3 hours. I should have taken a jacket, it was very windy and I was actually cold! Here was my take.

Can you see the 2 tiny dark blue pieces? That color of blue is SO HARD to find!! I pick up even the smallest of blue pieces! That big white piece is the bottom of a bottle, even has numbers on it. So, not bad for one day. I want to fill this jar by the end of summer.

There were a lot of people down there doing the same thing as me. Guess it's a popular hobby! I saw some folks skiing with giant kites. All the white you see in this picture are shells!!! You do NOT want to walk on those with bare feet!! OUCH!!!

Yesterday I got an email from Joe's music teacher. He wondered where Joe was on Saturday night. Come to find out Joe had a concert for the JR. Phil, at the Warner Theater. They were to play in the lobby while folks where coming in. Joe NEVER said a word about it. All he said was, "Mom, there is a paper in my folder for you." On Tuesday night when he came home from JR. Phil. It was 9pm and I was tired and busy. He never took the paper out and gave it to me and I guess I forgot about it. So, he missed his concert!! Not the main one, that is this Thursday. Chuck and I were VERY upset!! All we did that night was lay around and watch TV! Joe does this. He does it with Band, he'll get in the truck when I pick him up and he'll say, "Oh yeah, we have a concert tonight." He just doesn't remember to tell us anything!!! I'm so upset, because he only plays 2 concerts a year and it would have been nice to play another one. ARG!!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Yesterday while taking the boys to school we saw the most awesome FULL DOUBLE rainbow!!!! It was wonderful!!! I stopped to take a picture and I realized that I forgot my phone at home, so I used CJ's but I didn't know I had to press the save button and when I gave the phone back to him it died, so I have no picture of it and it was gone by the time I got home. We had a short storm and it cleared up to be a beautiful day!

I went out with a friend of mine from high school. I had dinner with her, her husband Ron and their 6 year old son James. Then Debbie and I went to see the movie "17 Again" which was really good. The only bad thing was I got a BAD migraine half way through the movie. By the time the movie was done I was in MAJOR pain and as soon as it said "The End" I ran out! LOL!! Debbie had no idea I was so sick so she wondered why I had run out like that. I was trying VERY hard not to throw up all the way back to her place. I ran out of her car and into her house and went and right into her room and laid down! LOL!! Ron wondered what the heck I was doing. Debbie had to tell him I was really sick when she came in. I laid there for over an hour before I thought I could drive myself home. It's a 40 minute drive! I barely made it home and I collapsed into my bed. I feel better this morning. I feel so bad that I was so sick. We don't get together as often as we used to because she works 2 jobs. SIGH!!

Today is going to be a hot one! I already have my A/C on!! I live in a hot box and if I don't turn it on it will be over 90 in my house by 3pm. It got over 80 in here yesterday and it was SO HOT all night long. I'm SO GLAD I have central air in here!! Makes the summers fly by! LOL! I might go down to the beach today and search for sea glass. One summer I got a pint jar filled with the stuff. I didn't go much last year since I don't live right by the beach any more. Here is a picture of our beach.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Shaheen Jafargholi - 12 Year Old Singer - Britains Got Talent 2009

Wow, this kid is REALLY good!! I watched this a few times. It's wonderful!! Just click on the picture!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Better Today

I am feeling MUCH better today! I went to SNAP this morning and walked the treadmill and came home and vacuumed the whole house. I now realize that the pain pills I was taking were making me VERY sick! I would all of a sudden get REALLY nauseated and break out in a sweat and I would lay on the couch sweating and moaning and then it would go away and I'd be really cold and then it would start again and I would be sweating and then cold. It would do this for hours! I thought it was just because of the surgery. I stopped taking the pain pills on day 3 and felt better but my stomach still hurt but I could live. Then I went to a party at the church and I helped clean up. I ended up hurting pretty bad and had the starts of a headache so I thought I would take a pain pill and lay down and watch tv the rest of the night. WRONG!! I got VERY sick again with sweats and chills and bad nausea for over 6 hours. I was sick all day yesterday too but not with being hot and cold just nauseated to the point that I would have to lay down. So, had I not taken any pain pills I would have had a MUCH better recovery!! Who knew!!

My pepper plants have FINALLY come up!! YEAH!! I'm glad about that. Can't wait to get everything planted.

We have an Amish crew just down the road cutting the neighboros woods. Chuck is not going to be doing any more cutting he'll be having Amish crews do that from now on. He went fishing on Saturday for maybe 2 or so hours and was in pain all the next day. It makes him mad that he can't do simple things like that without being in pain. It's going to take a VERY long time for him to fully heal. He still walks with a limp. I wish he would do physical therapy but he feels it wouldn't do any good.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Beautiful Day!

Today was SO nice out! I actually wore shorts today!! We all took a ride WAY out into the country today. I sat with my window all the way down all the way there and back. Chuck had to talk to an Amish guy out in Spartinsburgh today about the job they will be starting here on our road next week. Amish don't have phones so we had to drive all the way out there! It was a very beautiful drive though. We ate lunch at the one restaurant they had there in town and it was really good. Didn't get home till about 4pm.

I took CJ's glasses in this morning to Wal*Mart and they put them in the other frames no problem and it took about 5 minutes. CJ is glad to have them back as next week is the week long testing in school.

I'm feeling much better though it still hurts to laugh! I also STILL can't sleep on my side so I haven't been getting good sleep. I HATE sleeping on my back but when I turn on my side it causes me great pain and I have no idea why. It feels like it's pulling so I just lay on my back.

My tomato plants that I started indoors have all come up but the hot peppers have not. I do hope they come up, if not I will be buying plants at the nursery this year for hot and not hot peppers. My sister, Kitty, started some for me and she said hers all came up. I'm hoping this week they will. Last time I did peppers NOTHING came up!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday News

Today was an okay day. I'm feeling some what better but I still hurt. It's like I did 5,000 sit ups in about 5 minutes. My whole stomach hurts like I worked out too hard, LOL!! But it looks good and is healing just fine.

Yesterday I had a reaction to the IV and my whole arm swelled up and got red and hurt really bad. We went right to the doctors thinking it was infected but it wasn't and they said just wrap it up in a heating pad, which made it feel much better! Today it's a little red but no longer swollen, still hurts but much better. Odd, I never had that reaction to an IV before.

CJ broke his glasses today, he just laid his arm down on them and they snapped in half. Joe has the exact same frames and told CJ he could have them since he no longer needed them. I thought that was nice of him. Joe has decided that the free glasses he got are pretty good and he no longer wants to put lenses in his old frames so CJ can have them. I will have to have that done tomorrow. CJ needs them to read or he ends up with headaches.

Joe was supposed to play Tennis at today's match but he's on the bottom and the other team didn't have anyone to play the exhibition match so he didn't get to play. He really wanted too though. I was SO ready to go home after an hour.

Today I noticed that there was a puddle of oil under my truck. I will be calling Dean in the morning and letting him know about it. It must be the rear end they put in something is leaking somewhere.

Had lunch with the girls today and had a really good time. They had me laughing so hard that my stomache hurt! Sometimes we can be a really rowdy bunch on Thursdays!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Well, got my truck back yesterday, FINALLY!! At least it runs REALLY good now!! I can go through water without being thrown across the road, that's nice. I don't shake really bad either. It drives really smooth! Had Dean change the oil too. We are all glad to have my truck back!

Joe was supposed to have a Tennis match yesterday but just when they were going to start it started raining and it was canceled. So, here is CJ and I in Ashtabula 2 and a half hours before he starts gymnastics! We went to Wal*Mart and got some chocolate bunnies that were marked down and then I just dropped him off early and went to the library. By the time I got home I was crying. I was so miserable and in pain! I should have stayed home. I was gone from 3:30 till 9pm. I went straight to bed when I got home too. I even fell asleep sitting up around 11am and slept till Dean called at 1pm to tell me my truck was done. Good thing or I wouldn't have picked the kids up from school!

Today, I took them to school and came right home. I will pick them up and come straight home. If Joe's Tennis match is today, seeing if the rain goes away, I won't be going. I will stay right at home and NOT go anywhere!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Joe's Band Teacher

Update: I see a LOT of people coming to this post to find out about Jeffery A. Bickle. If you want to know more about this case click HERE.

Joe's all time favorite teacher is his band teacher, Mr. Bickle. This was in yesterday's paper. Joe is VERY upset, poor guy!

Police arrest teacher in sex-with-student case

CONNEAUT — A 25-year-old Conneaut Middle School music teacher appeared in Conneaut Municipal Court Monday afternoon on charges he had sex with a 17-year-old high school student over the past several months.

Jeffrey A. Bickel, 275 Whitney St., faces five counts of sexual battery, a third-degree felony, and one count of disseminating material harmful to juveniles, a fifth-degree felony, according to court records.

Bickel surrendered to authorities Monday afternoon, accompanied by attorney Paul Conn of Youngstown. After a brief hearing before Conneaut Municipal Court Judge Thomas Harris, Bickel went to city jail, where he was booked and fingerprinted.

He was released on a personal recognizance bond, a court spokeswoman said. A preliminary hearing will be held at 11 a.m. May 12.

Each of the sexual battery charges carries a maximum five-year prison sentence and $10,000 fine. The disseminating-material charge carries a maximum one-year prison sentence and $2,500 fine. If convicted, Bickel faces a possible 26-year jail sentence.

Sexual battery charges were filed because the alleged victim is a student in an “institution of higher learning,” where the alleged offender is “a teacher, administrator, coach or other person in authority,” according to a copy of the arrest warrant.

As a condition of his release, Bickel must stay away from all Conneaut schools, including several neighborhoods surrounding Conneaut High School; may not attend any school function in Conneaut or in Ohio; and cannot contact the girl or her family, according to court records.

Conneaut Detective Sgt. Charles Burlingham said police began their investigation after receiving a call from Ashtabula County Children’s Services a few weeks ago.

The Children Services Board contacted police after receiving an anonymous complaint about a Conneaut teacher having sexual relations with a student.

During the course of the investigation, police obtained search warrants late last month. According to court records, officers sought cellular telephone and computer data from Bickel’s home.

Court records do not yet indicate what material — if any — police took from the home.

An affidavit police filed with the court to secure the search warrants provided some information about the investigation. The girl denied having a relationship with Bickel when interviewed at CHS last month by police and a CSB representative, according to the document. One day later, police and the CSB representative spoke with the girl’s parents, and her mother said her daughter admitted she and Bickel had been exchanging calls and text messages and had “sexual relations” in November or December.

None of the encounters occurred on school property, Burlingham said.

The pair had intercourse on “several (occasions),” according to the affidavit. On one occasion, Bickel reportedly sent nude photos of himself via his cellular telephone to the girl, police said in the affidavit.

Bickel is the music teacher at Conneaut Middle School and assistant marching band director, according to reports. He reportedly began working for the Conneaut Area City Schools District last fall.

Police said they believe Bickel was recently placed on leave.

Kent Houston, CACS’ superintendent, did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment Monday. Earlier, Houston was seen entering a meeting with Burlingham, Conneaut Law Director Lori Lamer and Luke Gallagher, assistant law director.

Prior to the meeting, Gallagher said Bickel’s alleged conduct was reported to school administrators “at some point” late in 2008 but that information was not shared with police or Children’s Services, Gallagher said. State law obliges school officials to contact authorities with such complaints, Gallagher said.

A message left for Conn at his Youngstown office was not returned immediately Monday afternoon.

Monday, April 13, 2009

All Went Well

Today my surgery went well. Got there at 8am and I was supposed to have it at 9am but she was running behind. Didn't get back there and started till 11am. It was odd to be rolled down the hallway looking up at the lights going by. I don't remember falling asleep at all.

I woke up and they gave me something for the pain and I went back to sleep. I could NOT seem to wake up!! I have NEVER been THAT tired!! Finally around 3:30 they made me sit up and eat something to wake me up so I could go home. I finally got home at 5pm. They pain isn't too bad at all, I'm just tired. I slept the rest of the day and it's now 10:15pm and I am finally awake enough to be on the computer for a bit.

Joe is on the schedule for playing Tennis so he won't be going to his JR. Phil. I can't wait for JR. Phil to be done. April 30th is his concert and then we are done with that. Tennis will be done around May 7th.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday!

Well, it's Easter Sunday. I made the boys baskets last night and they each got little gifts. CJ got a nice watch and Joe got some of those rubber shoes and a couple months on his game that he plays. CJ's loves his watch but I just grabbed it and paid at the register so I don't have the instructions for it since I didn't pay at the jewelry counter, LOL! I'll have to check it out online. But, you don't have to set the time, it does it via satellite They got a lot of chocolate of course. NO GRASS!! I don't do grass ever since I saw some hanging out my cats butt!!! EEWW!!! They like to eat the stuff! That is why we don't do tinsel too!! Nothing like seeing Christmas Tree Tinsel hanging out the cats butt!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We went to church this morning and then came home to change. The shirt I bought to wear to church was a size too big. It's a low cut front and I had to keep trying to pull it up so my cleavage wasnt' showing! YIKES!! Then we headed over to the in-laws. I made rosemarina salad (of course) and I made deviled eggs. Chuck usually eats about 12 of them himself so there is never enough.

We had a good time and we were home a little after 4pm. I am doing up all the laundry and sweeping the whole house and mopping the kitchen floor because tomorrow I am going in for surgery at 8am. I am having my tubes tied, they don't really tie them but they burn them. Since we have insurance I wanted to have this done before we lost the insurance. I've been wanting Chuck to have it done since Joe was 5 but he just never has. So, I'm taking it upon myself to have it done. I would HATE to have an "accident" right now or even later! YIKES!!!

So, that is up for tomorrow and I'm not sure how I will feel. Chuck is taking the boys out to eat tomorrow so I have NOTHING to worry about tomorrow. They are taking the bus to school and my mother-in-law will pick them up and take them to her house to get their homework done and then she will take them to Tennis practice at 3:30. Chuck will pick them up from there. Not sure how I will feel for the next day. Chuck can take them to school but Tuesday is the day that one kid goes one way and the other kid goes another way. We'll see how it goes when the time comes.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Books and Movies

You know, I think books are so much better than the movie. I saw this movie on TV the other month called Dolores Claiborne and I decided to get the book. I got the book on CD from the library and put it on my iPod. Not sure if you have ever seen the movie, it's a Stephen King book. But last night I was listening to it in bed and it got to the part about where she kills her husband by making him fall into a 30 foot dry well. In the movie he just falls in and dies but not in the book!! Man, it was SO GOOD that I had to make myself turn it off at 12:30am because I knew I needed to get some sleep! LOL!!

Man, the book is really good. Now, to find another one to listen too, LOL!!

Started some seeds in the house to plant in the garden here soon. Mostly just tomatoes and peppers. The rest I can just plant right into the garden. Hopefully we will get it tilled up here soon.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Okay, I thought it was spring???? Yup, it's snowing here and coming down pretty good too. I wonder if spring will ever come and stay?? Here I'm thinking about getting my garden going and it goes and snows!! ARG!!!

Sandy's New Bone

This is Sandy's first "Big Girl" bone! I bought her a much smaller one the day before and she had it gone in an hour! So, when I was at Wal*Mart I bought her the biggest one they had! She can barely carry it around! She hasn't had any bones all year so I really wanted to get her one but it sure didn't last long. So far, this one is still around and probably will be for some time now, LOL!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Easter Eggs

Yesterday, I spent most of the day at the church making chocolate covered eggs. We make Peanut Butter, Maple Walnut and coconut. They are 10 oz before you dip them in chocolate. CJ was going to go but he woke up in pain still and didn't want to go. He raising money to go to youth camp so my hours go towards that. I had a really good time. The only problem was the frosting. It was SO runny!! No matter how thick I made it, it ran. I told them their recipe stank and they needed a new one made for decorating and they needed to use frosting bags and not some contraption. Needless to say I am now in charge of frosting and will be for years to come, LOL!! I don't mind, cuz they really needed a new recipe!

The men mixed the batches up.

Then you have to weigh it so that it's 10 oz.

Then you have to shape them to look like potatoes.

Then they get dipped in chocolate.
Then we put them in the fridge to harden then we have to cut the excess chocolate off the bottoms so they will fit into the containers. The excess chocolate doesn't work so well to re-use so we get to take it home. I'm going to make chocolate suckers with mine! Here is a Dean cutting off the excess chocolate.
Then once they are in the containers I go around putting on the frosting. It's supposed to be a pink flower with a leaf but really it's just a pink blob with a green blob, LOL!!! Here is a bunch ready for lids. Wendy's in Girard donated all the containers!

Then we put lids on them and stickers and packed them up into boxes ready to be sold. We sell them for $5 an egg. I think we made over 300 eggs yesterday. I don't remember. Here is Kenny packing them up.

I was there for 5 hours and I can't believe how TIRED I was the rest of the day!!! I was totally wiped out. I guess I'm going soft! LOL!! If we sell out this Sunday we will be doing this again on Thursday and I will make a new batch of frosting and use frosting bags and the flowers will look like flowers! LOL!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bloody Noses

Well, at noon today the school nurse called me and said CJ was having a bloody nose and it was REALLY bad. We get this a lot. CJ has them all the time. In fact, this was the third one this week. They last about an hour and he does bleed all over the place. He was at lunch and got up cuz he knew he had one and went to the bathroom and got it all over the mirror, sink and floor and had to call the janitor. They made me take him to the ER. Good grief! So much for lunch with the girls this week. I was going to leave in 15 minutes when I got the call.

So, took him to the ER and the doctor we like was there and joked around with CJ and they were both laughing most of the time. We told him about the other doctor and what happened and he wasn't too happy about it. The doctor said he was the head of ER and he wanted to know who it was. I had no clue and just said it was last month sometime.

I felt so bad for CJ, the doctor had to use silver nitrate and burn the vessel that keeps breaking open causing the nose bleeds. He numbed the area but CJ still shook, turned really red and cried. This is a guy that never cries because he is hurt so I KNEW he was in some major pain.

Then the doctor got this long piece of gauze covered in Vaseline and rolled it up and shoved it up his nose! He has to keep it there till Saturday morning. It's SO uncomfortable for him. He has this weird band aide over it too. The doctor told the nurse, "Okay, bring me the nose sling" LOL!!! CJ couldn't stop laughing and then the doctor couldn't stop laughing! LOL!! Love that guy!

The doctor said no school tomorrow and no gymnastics tonight. He gave me a note to give to the school. CJ and I went back to the school since all his stuff was still there. There is no school next week for spring break so we wanted to be sure to bring it all home. The nurse felt better knowing that CJ will probably not have bloody noses any more. She felt bad when she saw him, he looks terrible! I gave the school the note so I don't have to worry about calling them tomorrow. We waited in the back parking lot for an hour till school let out and got Joe and went home.

By the time we got home his nose REALLY hurt since the numbing had worn off. He's been in his room all night and he so wants to take out that gauze. He keeps sneezing and that isn't helping either. Tomorrow is the day we make chocolate covered eggs at our church. They are 10oz BEFORE you dip them! They are SO good. CJ wants to go but we'll see how he feels. I will still go. CJ was selling eggs to earn money for camp this summer. He gets paid to make them too. That is why I am going so he can get credit for it. We'll have to see how is doing.

Chuck and I went into town and dropped Joe off to Tennis practice and then went over to Dean's Auto. Found out that the problem with my truck is the 4X4. It is wanting to lock but it won't let it so it shakes my whole truck like crazy. This whole time I thought I had bad tires. They aren't sure why it's wanting to do that so they have to figure that out. In the mean time, Dean gave us his plow truck to drive around because only have one truck isn't working. Chuck can't work since I have to get the boys at 2 and then run them all over. Then on Tuesday's I go one way and Chuck goes another with each boy. So, I thought that was really nice of him to let us use his truck till mine is done. Dean took the plow off the front.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I still don't have my truck yet. Dean found a problem in the back end but isn't sure what it is so he sent it to a guy that deals in back ends in Girard so we are waiting to hear what it is. My truck shakes and I always thought it was just bad tires but I guess it's not. I hope I get it back soon. Tonight I will have to take Joe to Jr. Phil and CJ will have to miss gymnastics. Last week it was the other way around.

Last night Joe had his Spring Concert for Band at the high school. It was 5th through high school bands and really it was good. We got home late, ate chicken and CJ had to try and finish up his homework. I had to print out his book report, it was a poster type thing. Joe got an A on his!! :) Joe had to have his in last Friday but CJ had till Tuesday. They have different teachers.

My favorite movie broke the other day. I am SO SAD!!! "For Richer or Poorer" is my all time favorite movie and I've had it since the boys where babies and it broke. It was a VHS. I don't know if they had DVD's back then? LOL!! I watched it so much I wore the thing out! I am now going to have to find the DVD.

I couldn't believe it when I woke up yesterday and let the dog out that we have almost 2 inches of snow!! I thought it was spring?? That better be the last time I see snow for a while, LOL! I'm tired of the cold weather.

I'm getting ready for my garden this year. My sister, Kitty, talked me into doing one. I wasn't going to, lazy I guess but I have changed my mind and I'm going to do one. We are going to put it out back where I don't mow but where there are no stumps. We'll have to use the neighbors tractor and plow it up. Hope it goes well! We'll be doing this pretty soon.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Truck Cont.

Dean called and the clunking in my truck is the bearings. The front passenger side and the rear drivers side both are VERY bad. He said he's surprised they haven't fallen apart. I'm glad I quit driving it! The back breaks are bad too so all in all $840. He said we could make payments, no problem since we know him really well and he's been doing my truck for years. Will be nice to have a safe truck to drive. Now, I just have to find a good price and get an alignment. Dean doesn't do those.

Took the boys up to the school for tennis practice. It's always inside when it's bad weather out. we got there and CJ saw this lunchbox on the sidewalk and he says, "Hey Mom, look, some retard dropped their lunchbox on the sidewalk." Then Joe goes, "CJ, that's yours!" and CJ is like no it isn't a lot of people have lunchboxes that look like mine. I get out and turn the lunchbox around and it has in really big letters on the side CJ ROZALSKI!!! LOL!!! CJ's like, "Oh, I guess I'm the retard!" LOL!!!! That was hilarious!!! I guess it fell out of his backpack when he was coming out of school and just layed there. I'm glad we went up there for Tennis!

Joe's computer is done and now I have to head up to Erie to get it. Maybe on Friday Chuck and I will go get it. Joe is VERY excited to have his computer back, LOL!! The boys really love playing World of Warcraft.

Monday, March 23, 2009

A nice surprise

Today, when I went to the mailbox, I got a nice surprise! There was a box from Ezine Articles and when I opened it, there was a really nice mug with a package of coffee inside it. I thought that was so nice. The card said, "I am extremely proud of our genuine expert authors, like you, who are true authorities in their niches & contribute new unique articles every week." I didn't think I was doing one a week, but I guess. I write a lot of articles to get traffic to my blogs. I thought that was really nice, too bad I don't use mugs! LOL!!

It says, "I (heart) Ezine Articles"

I called and got an appointment for my truck. Dean can look at it on Wed. so we will drop it off first thing in the morning. Chuck took the boys to school today and then went to work on the Church roof.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

My Truck

Well, on Thursday night on the way home from getting CJ at gymnastics my front passenger side tire blew out. I was about a mile from the gas station so I made it there and parked it. When it went CJ put the window down and hung out and said, "Mom, your riding on your rim!" I knew it was coming. My tires are extremely worn on the insides and the wires have been showing for some time.

We were able to fix the tires on Saturday. We got to used tires for both front tires, balanced and put on for $40. But now my front end is making a clunking noise. Has since Wed. We thought maybe it was just the tires since they were so bad but with the new ones on it's still makign that awful noise. Could be tyrod ends, cv joints, who knows! Like I need a big auto bill! YIKES!! I've got to have my truck though. I think Chuck is going to have Dean look at it but not sure when he can. Chuck will call him on Monday and find out. I'm praying it's nothing big. Don't you know that as soon as you pay off your vehicle they go to pot! :(

Went to a my friend, Debbies, house last night. Chris came out too so us girls had a girls night out at Debbie's house for her birthday which was Wed. We had a lot of good food and watched a a good movie. It was fun. We used to get together once a month but with our work schedules it's been months since we were able to get together. So, it was nice to just hang out.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Fire Cont.

I talked with Kim last night at church and she told me that her, Dave and the kids were all crying last night. Poor things!!! Dave feels like his whole life is gone. They found out that the insurance only covers the structure, he didn't have insurance on the contents. He thought he did and was surprised to find out he didn't. So, he lost everything in that fire.

Also found out that he didn't start the fire, that was just a coincidence that he happened to be burning and then left to get the kids from school. The fire started in the middle of the barn and was electrical. By the time he saw the smoke there was no saving the barn as it was really going in the middle. At least he isn't the one that started the whole thing like he thought. The insurance guy is coming on Friday to assess the damage.

Kim told me that they just bought $500 in seed last week! I also found out that Dave has been laid off since Nov. Kim doesn't work either, she stays home. She may have to go out and get a job. She worked at the boys school last year but decided not too this year. It's hard to work all those hours and get billed instead of paid. They have 4 kids in that school and she worked to help pay the tuition and she got a bill for $200 a month. Gotta suck to get a bill instead of a pay check!

I wish there was something I could do to help but we don't have any farm equipment for them to use.

I also found out that the other barn/garage melted on that one side and the rafters inside where on fire and the skylights had melted. That was one very hot fire. Thank God it didn't get the gas well that was behind and to the right of the barn. That would have been something!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Barn Fire

Yesterday was some day! I went to the school early to get CJ as he had a doctor appointment because he had to get 3 shots. One was tetanus and his whole arm hurts. I got him right back to the school because CJ and Joe both had their Tennis pictures today. They were done a little after three and we started home.

We were about 3 miles from where we turn and we saw this horrible black smoke and there was a LOT of it. I said to the boys, oh no, I hope that isn’t a house fire. We turned at the gas stating and you could really see it. I said Oh No, it looks like the Sherman’s house is on fire! We got closer and no, it wasn’t the Sherman’s. We got up and we saw it was Kim and Dave’s barn a blaze! We know them from church and the boy’s school from last year. It was horrible. The boys were screaming stop and they jumped out of the truck before I was even stopped!

They ran over and started pulling things out of the barn next to the one on fire. The one on fire was an inferno! Men were using hoses to try and save the house. The fire department was called but they are SO SLOW because it’s all volunteers. Dave had me call 911 again to make sure they were coming. They FINALLY showed up and so did 5 other units even Albion came!

The first thing they did was water down the new barn so it wouldn't go down. Thank God the wind was NOT blowing towards the house!! The house would have went down instead of the ditch across the street.

After the boys got everything out of the other barn Joe said, “Mom, make sure you blog this!” Taking pictures was the last thing on my mind but I did take some.

I asked Kim what happened. I guess they were burning and Dave thought he got it totally out and he went to the school to pick up the kids and when he got back he saw smoke coming out of the back of the barn. It went up so fast there was nothing anyone could do but watch it go down.

ALL their farm equipment was in there, they were storing his dad's 1917 Model T Ford, lots of chickens and lots of hay. All those tires made that black smoke we saw. The wind was blowing and the woods and ditch across the street caught on fire too.

That is CJ going over across the street to help Chuck. They had brooms but that just wasn't cutting it. The next firetruck that came put out the fire in the ditch.

The neighbor, Ed, came over to were Kim, Chuck, CJ and I were standing and said, Hey you didn't tell me you were having a wennie roast! Kim laughed and CJ goes, No, we're having FRIED CHICKEN!!! OH MY GOD!! I couldn't believe he said that!!!!! YIKES!! Kim wasn't mad though, she was sad about losing her chickens in the fire though but she's a good sport.

Poor Dave, he had inhaled a lot of smoke trying to save the house and other barn that he collapsed on the ground coughing. Ambulances came to help out too. They gave him oxygen and he was okay. No one was hurt in this fire at all and we are all very thankful!

I had to leave after about an hour because Joe had to be in Fairview for Jr. Phil by 5pm. We all hugged Kim and left. Here is what it looked like when I left.

When the boys and I went by there this morning on our way to school the middle STILL had flames going and there was still a bunch of smoke. It was in the paper today too. I feel really bad as spring is just starting and ALL his farm equipment is now gone :(

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Weekend

Not much really happened over the weekend. Joe had his swimming banquet on Sunday. He got a trophy for the most improved swimmer out of his group (boys 11-12). He is excited about swimming over the summer and being on the team again next year. He wants to go to the swimming camp over at Edinboro University this summer, I hope we'll have the money for it, it's expensive! He wants to do both sessions, but we'll have to see.

After the banquet we went to Wal*Mart to get the boys some tennis rackets. They are on the tennis team at school and they didn't have rackets. Well, Joe had a really old one I got at a yard sale, LOL!! The coach called it an antique that would be best served hanging on a wall!! LOL!!!! Okay, so they need new rackets! Of course the boys played with them in the living room for about 45 mintues before bed, thank God nothing broke! LOL!

We are STILL waiting for Joe's glasses to come in. He is REALLY wanting them so he can see at school. It will be 2 weeks tomorrow!! SIGH!!

Oh, the Geeks called about Joe's laptop and said it was a memory problem and Dell won't let them fix it so they had to ship it to Dell and we won't see the computer for 2-4 weeks!! Joe was NOT thrilled, but what can you do. CJ's power cord died and that is an $80 fix unless I find a cheaper one. Battiers and cords are not under warrenty. Bummer!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Still Feeling Blah!

I was REALLY sick on Tuesday, Wed. I felt a little better and today I feel much better. I didn't workout on Tuesday but tried on Wed. and only made it for 27 minutes on the treadmill. Today I did my full 45 minutes though not quiet as fast as I usually go.

Yesterday the school nurse called me to come get CJ, in gym they were running and he almost passed out and had to go home. I sent him to school today and we'll see if he makes it past gym class again. Something about it being state law you have to have a doctor excuse to get out of gym, me calling did nothing. I hope he'll be okay. Colds seem to really wipe us out. Thank God Joe seems okay. He takes vitamins every day, maybe CJ and I should too! For some reason CJ didn't want to eat the gummies every morning, LOL! But this is the first year that Joe hasn't been sick for the entire winter!

The boys, well Joe, has started Tennis. The first practice was yesterday but CJ was sick at home. So, now we are back to being supper busy with Tennis every day but the both will miss some practices cuz of music and gymnastics.

Oh, I took Joe's computer in to Best Buy and gave it to the Geek Squad. I should hear back in a few days. They said they would fix it no problem and that I wouldn't have to pay anything. That was good news! CJ's power cord died and when they call I am going to ask them if that is covered too since a new one is $80!

Well, that's about all that's been going on since I last wrote.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Well, CJ and I have been sick all weekend long. I sound HORRIBLE!!! I don't feel so hot either. We both woke up sick again today (just colds) and Joe wasn't on the schedule to work in "Power Hour" so we all just stayed home from Church. I have been watching TV most of the day. All four of us did play a game of hearts and then a game of tri-Ominos.

Joe's computer took a crap today and it's only 5 months old!!!! ARG!!! It kept crashing, so I tried to put it back to an early time but it kept on crashing so I went to restore to factory settings and it's totally messed up now. I have reformatted it before but this time it's really bad! I am hoping I can still fix it enough that he can use it till I have money to take it to someone that knows what they are doing. I have no clue why his computer has been giving us fits. I HATE computer problems, they give me a tummy ache!

Joe's glasses haven't come in yet and I he can't wait. He can't wait to be able to see again, LOL! All this rain we've been having bites! SIGH! Nothing else has happened since the last time.

Hey Mom, Congrats on passing your test!! YEAH!!!!! I bet you are SO relieved to have that behind you! WAY TO GO!!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My water is back!

Finally, after being in the upper 30's today our water unfroze around 2pm. I did up all the dishes and will do all the laundry tomorrow. Both boys took a shower tonight too. Glad to have it back, it really sucks being without water.

Nothing else is really new since the last time I posted. Tonight I had Lucy out on my bed and I believe she is blind now, which would be why she walks funny in her cage. I would move my hand really fast into her face while she was eating without touching her but coming really close and she never moved or looked. I tried very hard to get her to see me but I don't think she can. It's hard losing a pet, even if it's just a rat. I hate watching pets slowly deteriorate. Really sucks!

Well, the next few days it will be in the 50's so that will be a nice change from the single digits we've had this week. I am hoping this is the last of the cold weather, for some reason I am really ready for spring to come. I usually love winter but this time I have had enough already. Some days I really wish I was back in South Florida!! LOL!! I used to complain about the sunny and gorgeous weather we had EVERY SINGLE DAY! I would have loved to have a cold and cloudy day back then, LOL!!

Well, gotta go pick the boys up from Youth Group. Hope everyone is having a great day!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday Stuff

Well, last night our water froze AGAIN!!!! ARG!!!!! Okay, this summer I am putting on new heat tape and wrapping the damn thing in insulation! This is nuts! I had to go next door for a pot of water to make spaghetti for supper! I hope it warms up enough to thaw the pipes out. This is so annoying!

Took Joe into the eye doctor today and yup, he needs to wear glasses all the time now. He can't see far away. Happened almost over night around Christmas time. This is the second time his eyes have changed like that. This time though we had to go with the "free" pair that the insurance will pay for and they aren't very nice looking, they aren't bad but they aren't great either. It will cost $105 to put the lenses into Joe's glasses that he already has and likes. I don't see why the insurance can't pay for the lenses and I will pay to put them in??? ARG!!!! This will help Joe see better at school though. We have to wait a week till they come in.

Lucy is sick. She is our pet rat and she is VERY thin and I have no idea what's wrong with her. I guess rats live from 2-4 years. We've had her now for 2 and she may have been over a year old when we got her so maybe she is just old? SIGH!!! Poor Luce Goose!! When you hold her she is all bones. I held her tonight and she wolfed down some spaghetti so she is eating. Her fur isn't right either.

Oh, last month Joe got a D on his monthly book report and we told him he better get an A on this months. He got it back today and got a 105/100!! YA!! He was very happy about that and so was I.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Movie Night

Tonight Chuck and I went to "Movie Night" at church. We saw "Fireproof" and if you are married I would highly suggest that you go see it!!! It's SO good!!! I don't know how Chuck liked it but I LOVED it!!

The crying babies drove me a little batty but overall it was a fun night. Next month they are showing a movie we have already seen so we won't be going. I have been wanting to see "Fireproof" for some time but I had to shut my netflix off since I can't afford it right now so I'm so glad the church showed it!

All my friends were saying how much they enjoyed it and I can see why, it's a wonderful movie and it makes me want to go out and get the book. They had the book in a gift basket but I didn't win it, at 17 year old single girl did! LOL!! Oh well!

Nothing new happened this week, tis why I haven't posted in a while. Chuck is doing really well and he has been getting work calls, it's waiting on the darn insurance companies to come through with money!! He has one but we haven't heard from any of the others. His leg is doing so much better and he's actually walking in the woods now. Slowly but he's out there!

Gymnastics Meet, Feb. 21, 2009

Here is CJ at his last gymnastics meet on the 21st. He got a blue all around and did really well. Ignore the swimming you see in this video, I'm not a pro LOL!! He didn't do as well on the horse and mushroom and the floor but all the rest he got a blue ribbon on.

Monday, February 23, 2009

CJ's Gymnastics Meet

On Saturday we drove to the west side of Cleveland for CJ's gymnastics meet. The drive there was fine, road where good. CJ did really well and got a lot of blue ribbons. He got a blue overall, so he did really well.

We got there at 4:30 and we left at 8:00. When we came outside it was snowing. CRAP! My front tires are partly bald and water and slush make me go all over the place. Let me tell you that was the worst night of my life!! It took me 2 hours to get home which is only 30 mintues more then it took me to get there but I was SO SO SO SO stressed out!!! My whole body hurt by the time I got home. My hands where asleep from gripping the wheel so hard, I lost my voice and I never even spoke all the way home! That was some scary shit!!!

When we were only 30 minutes from home a blizzard hit and I could barely see a thing! I had to keep telling myself that I was going to make it, that I was fine, I was doing great, only 3 more exits to go, etc. When I got off the interstate I was almost crying with relief! It was wonderful to pull into the driveway.

Chuck said that we HAVE to fix my tires and get the truck aligned. It's so bad!! :( It wasn't till we were home that I found out I couldn't talk! I had to use the heating pad on my lower back as it hurt really bad. I didn't get to sleep till after midnight either.

I will post his videos sometime when I have the time to upload them. Takes hours you know!

CJ and the ER

Took CJ to the ER last night. He had a sore on his leg that he thought was a pimple and it got worse on Saturday during his gymnastics meet. When he got home he put a hot cloth on it and popped it and drained it. I told him if it was worse the next day I would have it looked at. So, I did and it was AWFUL!! It's a nasty boil and the skin was really red all around it as big as my palm!

So, took him in and the bed beside us was a little boy getting a stitch in his lip, he feel down the stairs. He was SO cute! He never cried and talked the whole time! Then the doctor left and I figured he'd come right back in, WRONG! We waited 45 minutes till he came back and CJ said, "So, did you go on lunch break?" LOL!!!! He looked annoyed and said, "I have 9 other rooms besides this one, you know." Then CJ's cell phone goes off and he said, "Oh, gotta text." and pulls his phone out and reads his text dismissing the doctor, LOL!! The doctor said, "Well, I'll let you get that and I'll work on some stuff and come back." He was gone for 30 minutes!!!!! LOL!!!!!

CJ said, "Well, he can't take a joke." We know the ER doctor cuz CJ is there a lot but this guy was new. I told CJ to just keep his trap shut this time and NO PHONE!! LOL! The doctor was just outside at his desk LOL!!

Anyway, they gave him a few shots to numb the area and then broke it open and drained it. Put him on antibotics and an antibotic cream to put on it. They took a sample to be sure it's not staph infection as that is and has been going around, around here. I think it's just an infected hair root, we'll know in 3 days.

It looks MUCH better today. No more puss so I think it will clear right up. That area hurt really bad all night and day. I gave him an excuse from PE today. Here he is right after the doctor was done with him.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Rough Day

I got sick today around lunch time. My head started to hurt, I was shaky and a little nauseous and I just felt horrible. I spent the whole day on the couch watching TV till it was time to leave. I never do that! I left a little early because we needed some food for the weekend so I went to Save-A-Lot before I got the boys from school. I got to the school a little early and while I was waiting I got sicker. I didn't think I would be able to drive home. At 2:19 I remembered that Joe had an eye appointment in town at 2pm. I totally forgot!! I called but they couldn't see him since we missed his appointment. I felt SO bad!!! He really wanted to get his eyes checked, he thinks his prescription changed. He is having a hard time seeing at school. He can't get back in till March 3 at 11:15am now. I still feel bad about that. It's on the calendar and I knew about it all week long! I was just so sick today that I totally forgot!

I did mange to make it home and the boys brought in the food. I went right to bed and stayed there till morning! I feel fine today even went to SNAP and worked out today. I have no idea why I was so sick. I wonder if I'm having a hard time with my blood sugar levels and that is what is making me so sick, no idea. I had oatmeal and a pear before working out and did just fine.

I still have to find a low cholesterol diet because the doctor wants me to follow one. I need to get my cholesterol down or I'll end up with a stroke or heart attack at 40! SHEESH!! I can't believe it went up so high. Here is what I have found:

Less than 200

Desirable level that puts you at lower risk for coronary heart disease. A cholesterol level of 200 or higher raises your risk.

200 to 239

Borderline high

240 and above

High blood cholesterol. A person with this level has more than twice the risk of coronary heart disease as someone whose cholesterol is below 200.

So, why isn't the doctor concerned with my cholesterol number? He is more worried about my blood sugar levels. No idea but I am going to ask him when I see him on the 13th. He's on vacation right now for 2 weeks so I'll have to wait.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Blood Work Results and Other Stuff

Okay, my blood work came back and yup my cholesterol is high, 272. Highest it's been. It was 255 so now it's even higher. Guess I better go on a strict diet!! Get this, you know how I ate that whole bag of doughnuts? Well, my blood sugar was low! It was 64 and it should be 75-106. So, I have to have blood work done again in 3 weeks and if it's low again I guess I'll be going on med's. I told the nurse about how I ate that whole bag of doughnuts and wouldn't you think that would make it go up? She wondered how low my blood sugar went to make me that sick and for it to be that low even with all those doughnuts! YIKES!!

Chuck was supposed to go to the doctor today, we woke up to some major snow. He got up with me and we dropped the boys off at school but we only made it one exit and we turned around and came back home. It was too bad out to make it the hour and a half there and back. Good thing, it snowed all day long. We rescheduled for next Thursday at 3pm. Chuck will drive himself since I have to get the boys and do gym and swimming that evening.

Joe is still giving me grief. It's odd, CJ does everything you ask him, no complaints, does it right away, don't have to remind him, etc. Joe is the exact opposite. Today, after school, they have 1 hour before we leave. I told Joe he was NOT allowed on the computer and he was NOT allowed to do NOTHING he had to either 1. do his homework, 2. do his violin, 3. read his book. So, he went into his room to "read" and slept instead. SO, he's now grounded for a week from his computer and had to stay home tonight instead of going swimming to get his music, homework and reading done. I wonder if he'll do any of it. He works VERY hard at doing as little as possible. It's always been like this. One of them is always causing me grief. If CJ is being horrible the Joe is great and when CJ is great Joe is horrible!! Been that way all through homeschooling them. They could never be great at the same time!! ARG!! Getting Joe to do ANYTHING is like pulling teeth!!!

Speaking of teeth, Joe went in for his first orthodontic appointment on Wednesday. It will be a 2 1/2 year proccess and first they are going to widen his top jaw, I think. That is a retainer that has a key and you turn it every week and it widedens in the middle. Then braces will go on after that I think. All told it's $4,300.00 but we are hoping that our insurance will cover it but we won't know that till summer. I have no idea what takes so long to be approved but it does.

I called XM radio to have my radio shut off since I can't afford the payment this month and they gave me 3 months for free if I chose not to cancel! LOL! I said, sure why not! I don't have to pay till May 19th. I LOVE my radio and would have really missed it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday Ramblings

I don't know how the days get away from me. Here it is Tuesday already. I had a doctor appointment today and had blood work done. We'll see how it turns out tomorrow. I know my cholesterol is high, it always has been. I just wonder how high it is. He didn't put me on med's last time but if it's still high he might this time.

In Church on Sunday, my bra broke! LOL!! I wear under wires and the wire came through poking me so here I am sitting there and I had to take it out, hope no one noticed! Then I noticed that my boobs where uneven! LOL!! I hope no one noticed that either!! LOL!!! I hate when my bras do that!! It's not the first time but it is the first time it happend in church!

I did manage to bake those cookies and I tried to bake bread but it was a disaster! I set the timer for 2 hours to let it raise but I forgot to start it!!! I remembered hours later and the dough was out of the bread pan and all the way to the bottom of the oven! So, I put it all back in and let it re-raise with a timer this time. Then I baked it only to find out that it stuck to the sides so bad it all tore apart. ARG!! So, I still need to bake another loaf of bread. We'll use this one for dinner adn stuff but can't for sandwiches. How frustrating!! I can't seem to remember anything!! The cookies were really good though!

Then on Monday I forgot to eat lunch and got really sick when Joe was swimming at the Y. I had a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and then forgot to eat lunch and took Joe swimming from 3:30 to 5:00. I shopped at Walmart and was fine but when I got to the Y I started to feel really bad. Headache, nausous, light headed, sweating, just really bad!! Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and made my way to the truck and then proceed to eat a whole bag of Chocoloate covered doughnuts!! LOL!! I felt way better in about 15 minutes and was fine for the drive home. I wish I had boughten some fruit or something, LOL! Even crackers would have been better but I had no choice I was so sick there was no way I could have driven home. I hate when that happens!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Long Weekend

Well, our power came back on Friday evening. Our generator ran out of gas and I went out to go get more and noticed that all the neighbors had lights on and no one was running generators any more. So, I'm glad I didn't have to spend another $10 for gas! We flipped some switches and we had power again. Thank goodness!

So, the boys didn't have school on Friday because it was parent/teacher conference day and they don't have school on Monday either. So, they have a very long weekend since there was no school on Thursday because of the power outages. They are mostly playing the new game world of warcraft. They each bought themselves the game and it comes with a 30 day playing limit. This is a pay as you go game. I think it's $15 a month to play. I told them I am NOT paying that, so they have to pay for it themselves. They will have jobs this summer and then they can play again. LOL!

Saturday night we went over to the neighbors house for cake and ice cream. We stayed for 2 hours and when we got home all of us had to shower and I washed everything we were wearing! I hate when people smoke inside and they live in a smaller trailer then we do! This is the neighbors that used to scream cuss words at us as we drove by. We are trying to make them sort of friends so we don't have to put up with that any more. I invited them over to our big picnic on July 28th 2008 and since then it's been much better. The kids come over and I get them music off the net for their MP3 players and the Dad is getting there though he won't wave when we pass at least the swearing and screaming has stopped LOL!

I feel like being lazy today. We have church this morning and then we'll just come home and have lunch, watch TV and lay around. Sounds good to me! I need to make some cookies and bread today. We'll see if that happens. I have a REALLY good no-bake recipe that I have been making. Usually when I make them they taste yucky but this one I got from a lady at church and it's really good! But I should make some peanut butter ones too today.