Saturday, April 25, 2009


Yesterday while taking the boys to school we saw the most awesome FULL DOUBLE rainbow!!!! It was wonderful!!! I stopped to take a picture and I realized that I forgot my phone at home, so I used CJ's but I didn't know I had to press the save button and when I gave the phone back to him it died, so I have no picture of it and it was gone by the time I got home. We had a short storm and it cleared up to be a beautiful day!

I went out with a friend of mine from high school. I had dinner with her, her husband Ron and their 6 year old son James. Then Debbie and I went to see the movie "17 Again" which was really good. The only bad thing was I got a BAD migraine half way through the movie. By the time the movie was done I was in MAJOR pain and as soon as it said "The End" I ran out! LOL!! Debbie had no idea I was so sick so she wondered why I had run out like that. I was trying VERY hard not to throw up all the way back to her place. I ran out of her car and into her house and went and right into her room and laid down! LOL!! Ron wondered what the heck I was doing. Debbie had to tell him I was really sick when she came in. I laid there for over an hour before I thought I could drive myself home. It's a 40 minute drive! I barely made it home and I collapsed into my bed. I feel better this morning. I feel so bad that I was so sick. We don't get together as often as we used to because she works 2 jobs. SIGH!!

Today is going to be a hot one! I already have my A/C on!! I live in a hot box and if I don't turn it on it will be over 90 in my house by 3pm. It got over 80 in here yesterday and it was SO HOT all night long. I'm SO GLAD I have central air in here!! Makes the summers fly by! LOL! I might go down to the beach today and search for sea glass. One summer I got a pint jar filled with the stuff. I didn't go much last year since I don't live right by the beach any more. Here is a picture of our beach.

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