Thursday, May 7, 2009

This Weeks Happenings

Not much has really happened this week so far. CJ will be 14 tomorrow! Then in Sept. Joe will be 13 so I will officially have 2 teenagers come Sept 5th!

The boys have been playing a lot of Tennis matches this week. This was supposed to be the last week of Tennis but they may have some make-ups to do so it may run into next week. I know I will be glad not to have to run here and there all the time.

We have to fix our mower. Chuck wanted to have a party here for CJ tomorrow and our mower needs some serious help! 2 tires, a battery, blades, and a starter thingy, LOL!! I'm glad that Chuck wanted this party, makes him fix the mower! At least I hope so. He says he's going to do that today. I usually mow once a week. I'm tired of blowing up the tires and jump starting it and turning it over with a screwdriver!!! That is how I mowed last year and this year I REFUSE to mow like that so we have REALLY tall grass right now LOL!!

Chuck bought a bunch of fireworks so we'll be having a show for his birthday too.

Work has been pretty steady for Chuck but we wish it was more. We are slowly starting to pay off all the bills that accumulated over the winter with him being out of work. This summer we are going to work on paying off everything we can and paying things up for a whole year so that the bills that come in over the winter will be much smaller. The roofing seems to be going much better this year then last year. Thank God he has his roofing company cuz the logging SUCKS!! But, I'm not going there!

Today is lunch with the girls. Every Thursday at 12:30 we meet at Crazy Dave's Sugar Bowl in town and have lunch. It's not just girls though. Sometimes we bringing our spouse's or bosses, LOL! But we have a good time. It used to be us girls that used to workout together every morning at Curves, but Curves shut down here in town and now it's just a group of people that hang out every Thursday to chat and catch up with each other.

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