Sunday, March 8, 2009


Well, CJ and I have been sick all weekend long. I sound HORRIBLE!!! I don't feel so hot either. We both woke up sick again today (just colds) and Joe wasn't on the schedule to work in "Power Hour" so we all just stayed home from Church. I have been watching TV most of the day. All four of us did play a game of hearts and then a game of tri-Ominos.

Joe's computer took a crap today and it's only 5 months old!!!! ARG!!! It kept crashing, so I tried to put it back to an early time but it kept on crashing so I went to restore to factory settings and it's totally messed up now. I have reformatted it before but this time it's really bad! I am hoping I can still fix it enough that he can use it till I have money to take it to someone that knows what they are doing. I have no clue why his computer has been giving us fits. I HATE computer problems, they give me a tummy ache!

Joe's glasses haven't come in yet and I he can't wait. He can't wait to be able to see again, LOL! All this rain we've been having bites! SIGH! Nothing else has happened since the last time.

Hey Mom, Congrats on passing your test!! YEAH!!!!! I bet you are SO relieved to have that behind you! WAY TO GO!!!!

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