Wednesday, April 29, 2009

CJ's First Date, oh my!

I found a note this morning on CJ's computer. I was gathering up all the laundry and found it. A whole front page! LOL!! It was so darn cute I put a date on it and kept it. He was asking if he could go out on a date with his new girlfriend of 2 weeks!! They want to see the new Hanna Montana Movie here in town. She is a couple month younger then him and they will be going with 3 other girls. LOL!! Joe and CJ have a TON of girls that are their friends and not really any guy friends. I called Chuck and read him the note over the phone. We both thought it was so cute! CJ was afraid to ask me face to face because he didn't want me to say "no". LOL!

We think it's fine as long as I drop him off at the theater and then pick him up there. Man, can't believe I'm in the next phase of life with these guys, GIRLS!! LOL!! Next will be driving and more serious dating, YIKES!! Hope I live to see them graduate, LOL!! You should see all the girls that flock around both of them! It's kind of funny really. I haven't met this girl yet so I'll have to do that. I'm NOT going to be letting him go to their house to hang out though. He hasn't asked but I know that will come. I don't mind if she comes here though. I can keep on eye on them better! So, we'll see how this plays out.

The boys might have an away Tennis game today, I need to find out so I can cancel their music lessons. I will be going to the Church here soon to help cut up veggies and help with making Subs. The kids sold a bunch to help pay their way to camp. CJ made almost enough money to pay his way. We just had to pay a dollar! LOL! Camp is $140 this year, he made $139. LOL! He got money for camp by selling those Chocolate Easter eggs too.

Becky, I hope Tater pulls through. Know that I am thinking about him and praying that he'll do just fine! Glad you got him to the doctor when you did! Poor little thing! Hope he comes home soon!

1 comment:

heatherdmc said...

Oh, boy! Isn't life grand? We did the group dating thing with Ken for a while, now we are in it with Becky. If they can't be with family, there is a problem. She went to the movies last week and we went to, but not sitting together. He must come here, but she not there! I really liked the Joshua Harris book and view on dating. Helps a lot!