Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Oh My!

Okay, I'm sitting in the library using the kiddy game table so I can plug in my laptop and this kid about 15 or 16 just comes over to me asks me if I know this song, can't remember what song now, and then proceeds to sing the English version and THEN the Japanese version right here in the library!! I was SO uncomfortable!! He had purple nail polish and had a long cloth type raincoat on, just over his shoulders, and had on a t-shirt and jeans. Then talks for a while and leaves. YIKES!!

Joe had his finally band concert last night. We met his girlfriend and her mother. She seems very nice. I wanted to get a picture of both of them since they were dressed up but Joe was having none of that! LOL!

I did get a picture of the 2 of them sitting way on the other side of the gym but it turned out really dark. Oh well!

Today the piano tuner came and for 5 hours all I heard was PING, PING, PING, PING, PING!!! He really hits all those keys HARD! BUT, we now have a piano that sounds really nice!! We have been living with an WAY out of tune piano for almost a year. We had it tuned but it went out that same week. ARG!! We have to get used to it. All the songs sound wrong to us since we are used to the piano being a half step lower and flat.

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