Saturday, April 4, 2009

Easter Eggs

Yesterday, I spent most of the day at the church making chocolate covered eggs. We make Peanut Butter, Maple Walnut and coconut. They are 10 oz before you dip them in chocolate. CJ was going to go but he woke up in pain still and didn't want to go. He raising money to go to youth camp so my hours go towards that. I had a really good time. The only problem was the frosting. It was SO runny!! No matter how thick I made it, it ran. I told them their recipe stank and they needed a new one made for decorating and they needed to use frosting bags and not some contraption. Needless to say I am now in charge of frosting and will be for years to come, LOL!! I don't mind, cuz they really needed a new recipe!

The men mixed the batches up.

Then you have to weigh it so that it's 10 oz.

Then you have to shape them to look like potatoes.

Then they get dipped in chocolate.
Then we put them in the fridge to harden then we have to cut the excess chocolate off the bottoms so they will fit into the containers. The excess chocolate doesn't work so well to re-use so we get to take it home. I'm going to make chocolate suckers with mine! Here is a Dean cutting off the excess chocolate.
Then once they are in the containers I go around putting on the frosting. It's supposed to be a pink flower with a leaf but really it's just a pink blob with a green blob, LOL!!! Here is a bunch ready for lids. Wendy's in Girard donated all the containers!

Then we put lids on them and stickers and packed them up into boxes ready to be sold. We sell them for $5 an egg. I think we made over 300 eggs yesterday. I don't remember. Here is Kenny packing them up.

I was there for 5 hours and I can't believe how TIRED I was the rest of the day!!! I was totally wiped out. I guess I'm going soft! LOL!! If we sell out this Sunday we will be doing this again on Thursday and I will make a new batch of frosting and use frosting bags and the flowers will look like flowers! LOL!!

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