Saturday, February 28, 2009

Movie Night

Tonight Chuck and I went to "Movie Night" at church. We saw "Fireproof" and if you are married I would highly suggest that you go see it!!! It's SO good!!! I don't know how Chuck liked it but I LOVED it!!

The crying babies drove me a little batty but overall it was a fun night. Next month they are showing a movie we have already seen so we won't be going. I have been wanting to see "Fireproof" for some time but I had to shut my netflix off since I can't afford it right now so I'm so glad the church showed it!

All my friends were saying how much they enjoyed it and I can see why, it's a wonderful movie and it makes me want to go out and get the book. They had the book in a gift basket but I didn't win it, at 17 year old single girl did! LOL!! Oh well!

Nothing new happened this week, tis why I haven't posted in a while. Chuck is doing really well and he has been getting work calls, it's waiting on the darn insurance companies to come through with money!! He has one but we haven't heard from any of the others. His leg is doing so much better and he's actually walking in the woods now. Slowly but he's out there!

1 comment:

heatherdmc said...

Walmart carries the book for $10. I have a few other good movies if you are tired of the crappy ones.