Monday, February 23, 2009

CJ and the ER

Took CJ to the ER last night. He had a sore on his leg that he thought was a pimple and it got worse on Saturday during his gymnastics meet. When he got home he put a hot cloth on it and popped it and drained it. I told him if it was worse the next day I would have it looked at. So, I did and it was AWFUL!! It's a nasty boil and the skin was really red all around it as big as my palm!

So, took him in and the bed beside us was a little boy getting a stitch in his lip, he feel down the stairs. He was SO cute! He never cried and talked the whole time! Then the doctor left and I figured he'd come right back in, WRONG! We waited 45 minutes till he came back and CJ said, "So, did you go on lunch break?" LOL!!!! He looked annoyed and said, "I have 9 other rooms besides this one, you know." Then CJ's cell phone goes off and he said, "Oh, gotta text." and pulls his phone out and reads his text dismissing the doctor, LOL!! The doctor said, "Well, I'll let you get that and I'll work on some stuff and come back." He was gone for 30 minutes!!!!! LOL!!!!!

CJ said, "Well, he can't take a joke." We know the ER doctor cuz CJ is there a lot but this guy was new. I told CJ to just keep his trap shut this time and NO PHONE!! LOL! The doctor was just outside at his desk LOL!!

Anyway, they gave him a few shots to numb the area and then broke it open and drained it. Put him on antibotics and an antibotic cream to put on it. They took a sample to be sure it's not staph infection as that is and has been going around, around here. I think it's just an infected hair root, we'll know in 3 days.

It looks MUCH better today. No more puss so I think it will clear right up. That area hurt really bad all night and day. I gave him an excuse from PE today. Here he is right after the doctor was done with him.

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