Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bloody Noses

Well, at noon today the school nurse called me and said CJ was having a bloody nose and it was REALLY bad. We get this a lot. CJ has them all the time. In fact, this was the third one this week. They last about an hour and he does bleed all over the place. He was at lunch and got up cuz he knew he had one and went to the bathroom and got it all over the mirror, sink and floor and had to call the janitor. They made me take him to the ER. Good grief! So much for lunch with the girls this week. I was going to leave in 15 minutes when I got the call.

So, took him to the ER and the doctor we like was there and joked around with CJ and they were both laughing most of the time. We told him about the other doctor and what happened and he wasn't too happy about it. The doctor said he was the head of ER and he wanted to know who it was. I had no clue and just said it was last month sometime.

I felt so bad for CJ, the doctor had to use silver nitrate and burn the vessel that keeps breaking open causing the nose bleeds. He numbed the area but CJ still shook, turned really red and cried. This is a guy that never cries because he is hurt so I KNEW he was in some major pain.

Then the doctor got this long piece of gauze covered in Vaseline and rolled it up and shoved it up his nose! He has to keep it there till Saturday morning. It's SO uncomfortable for him. He has this weird band aide over it too. The doctor told the nurse, "Okay, bring me the nose sling" LOL!!! CJ couldn't stop laughing and then the doctor couldn't stop laughing! LOL!! Love that guy!

The doctor said no school tomorrow and no gymnastics tonight. He gave me a note to give to the school. CJ and I went back to the school since all his stuff was still there. There is no school next week for spring break so we wanted to be sure to bring it all home. The nurse felt better knowing that CJ will probably not have bloody noses any more. She felt bad when she saw him, he looks terrible! I gave the school the note so I don't have to worry about calling them tomorrow. We waited in the back parking lot for an hour till school let out and got Joe and went home.

By the time we got home his nose REALLY hurt since the numbing had worn off. He's been in his room all night and he so wants to take out that gauze. He keeps sneezing and that isn't helping either. Tomorrow is the day we make chocolate covered eggs at our church. They are 10oz BEFORE you dip them! They are SO good. CJ wants to go but we'll see how he feels. I will still go. CJ was selling eggs to earn money for camp this summer. He gets paid to make them too. That is why I am going so he can get credit for it. We'll have to see how is doing.

Chuck and I went into town and dropped Joe off to Tennis practice and then went over to Dean's Auto. Found out that the problem with my truck is the 4X4. It is wanting to lock but it won't let it so it shakes my whole truck like crazy. This whole time I thought I had bad tires. They aren't sure why it's wanting to do that so they have to figure that out. In the mean time, Dean gave us his plow truck to drive around because only have one truck isn't working. Chuck can't work since I have to get the boys at 2 and then run them all over. Then on Tuesday's I go one way and Chuck goes another with each boy. So, I thought that was really nice of him to let us use his truck till mine is done. Dean took the plow off the front.

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