Thursday, February 19, 2009

Blood Work Results and Other Stuff

Okay, my blood work came back and yup my cholesterol is high, 272. Highest it's been. It was 255 so now it's even higher. Guess I better go on a strict diet!! Get this, you know how I ate that whole bag of doughnuts? Well, my blood sugar was low! It was 64 and it should be 75-106. So, I have to have blood work done again in 3 weeks and if it's low again I guess I'll be going on med's. I told the nurse about how I ate that whole bag of doughnuts and wouldn't you think that would make it go up? She wondered how low my blood sugar went to make me that sick and for it to be that low even with all those doughnuts! YIKES!!

Chuck was supposed to go to the doctor today, we woke up to some major snow. He got up with me and we dropped the boys off at school but we only made it one exit and we turned around and came back home. It was too bad out to make it the hour and a half there and back. Good thing, it snowed all day long. We rescheduled for next Thursday at 3pm. Chuck will drive himself since I have to get the boys and do gym and swimming that evening.

Joe is still giving me grief. It's odd, CJ does everything you ask him, no complaints, does it right away, don't have to remind him, etc. Joe is the exact opposite. Today, after school, they have 1 hour before we leave. I told Joe he was NOT allowed on the computer and he was NOT allowed to do NOTHING he had to either 1. do his homework, 2. do his violin, 3. read his book. So, he went into his room to "read" and slept instead. SO, he's now grounded for a week from his computer and had to stay home tonight instead of going swimming to get his music, homework and reading done. I wonder if he'll do any of it. He works VERY hard at doing as little as possible. It's always been like this. One of them is always causing me grief. If CJ is being horrible the Joe is great and when CJ is great Joe is horrible!! Been that way all through homeschooling them. They could never be great at the same time!! ARG!! Getting Joe to do ANYTHING is like pulling teeth!!!

Speaking of teeth, Joe went in for his first orthodontic appointment on Wednesday. It will be a 2 1/2 year proccess and first they are going to widen his top jaw, I think. That is a retainer that has a key and you turn it every week and it widedens in the middle. Then braces will go on after that I think. All told it's $4,300.00 but we are hoping that our insurance will cover it but we won't know that till summer. I have no idea what takes so long to be approved but it does.

I called XM radio to have my radio shut off since I can't afford the payment this month and they gave me 3 months for free if I chose not to cancel! LOL! I said, sure why not! I don't have to pay till May 19th. I LOVE my radio and would have really missed it.

1 comment:

Becky said...

oh, wow! that retainer thing sounds midevil! the price sounds pretty reasonable...i am paying half that to fix Sydney's top half of her mouth...who knows what's next.