Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Barn Fire

Yesterday was some day! I went to the school early to get CJ as he had a doctor appointment because he had to get 3 shots. One was tetanus and his whole arm hurts. I got him right back to the school because CJ and Joe both had their Tennis pictures today. They were done a little after three and we started home.

We were about 3 miles from where we turn and we saw this horrible black smoke and there was a LOT of it. I said to the boys, oh no, I hope that isn’t a house fire. We turned at the gas stating and you could really see it. I said Oh No, it looks like the Sherman’s house is on fire! We got closer and no, it wasn’t the Sherman’s. We got up and we saw it was Kim and Dave’s barn a blaze! We know them from church and the boy’s school from last year. It was horrible. The boys were screaming stop and they jumped out of the truck before I was even stopped!

They ran over and started pulling things out of the barn next to the one on fire. The one on fire was an inferno! Men were using hoses to try and save the house. The fire department was called but they are SO SLOW because it’s all volunteers. Dave had me call 911 again to make sure they were coming. They FINALLY showed up and so did 5 other units even Albion came!

The first thing they did was water down the new barn so it wouldn't go down. Thank God the wind was NOT blowing towards the house!! The house would have went down instead of the ditch across the street.

After the boys got everything out of the other barn Joe said, “Mom, make sure you blog this!” Taking pictures was the last thing on my mind but I did take some.

I asked Kim what happened. I guess they were burning and Dave thought he got it totally out and he went to the school to pick up the kids and when he got back he saw smoke coming out of the back of the barn. It went up so fast there was nothing anyone could do but watch it go down.

ALL their farm equipment was in there, they were storing his dad's 1917 Model T Ford, lots of chickens and lots of hay. All those tires made that black smoke we saw. The wind was blowing and the woods and ditch across the street caught on fire too.

That is CJ going over across the street to help Chuck. They had brooms but that just wasn't cutting it. The next firetruck that came put out the fire in the ditch.

The neighbor, Ed, came over to were Kim, Chuck, CJ and I were standing and said, Hey you didn't tell me you were having a wennie roast! Kim laughed and CJ goes, No, we're having FRIED CHICKEN!!! OH MY GOD!! I couldn't believe he said that!!!!! YIKES!! Kim wasn't mad though, she was sad about losing her chickens in the fire though but she's a good sport.

Poor Dave, he had inhaled a lot of smoke trying to save the house and other barn that he collapsed on the ground coughing. Ambulances came to help out too. They gave him oxygen and he was okay. No one was hurt in this fire at all and we are all very thankful!

I had to leave after about an hour because Joe had to be in Fairview for Jr. Phil by 5pm. We all hugged Kim and left. Here is what it looked like when I left.

When the boys and I went by there this morning on our way to school the middle STILL had flames going and there was still a bunch of smoke. It was in the paper today too. I feel really bad as spring is just starting and ALL his farm equipment is now gone :(

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