Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Odds and Ends

The phone company just called and said I had been over billed, I think over a course of time, and that I would be getting a check for $160 in the mail soon. COOL! Something about a double line? No clue, just glad they are actually giving it back. We hate our one and only phone company! I think I'll just use it to pay the phone bill, LOL!!

Met with the lawyer yesterday and he thinks that the APL will just settle for what I'm asking for, which is $350! LOL!! Brett said he is working Pro-Bono so I don't owe him anything. Maybe I'll have it by Christmas? That would be nice! People just can't believe I would sue warm fuzzy animals!! God forbid! LOL! The paper has been running "fluff" articles about the APL that has nothing to do with the case but they are trying to look good for donations since it's the holiday season.

The boys have school today but then they will be off till Tuesday. It will be nice to be able to sleep past 5:45am. They are going hunting in the morning tomorrow and then we are all off to the In-Laws for dinner at 1pm. Brenda had her 6th baby last week so she probably won't be there but I hope Lou and the kids will be. I haven't been over to see the baby yet, I really should get over there. She had him on Saturday night. His name is Zack.

I'm in a cookie exchange this year. I've never been in one before so I thought I'd try it out. I have to make 12 dozen peanut butter blossoms with the kisses in the middle of them. There are 13 of us in all doing the exchange. I'm doing them with the ladies I have lunch with every Tuesday. I hope I actually like the cookies I'll be getting, you never know! We do the exchange on Dec. 7th so I better get to the store and get everything I need and get cracking!

Joe's first concert with the Erie Jr. Phil is on Wed. Dec 3rd at 7:30pm on West 10th street in Erie. I have to get him clothes, black pants, white shirt, black shoes and a tie. Can be any kind of tie. I'll have to take the camcorder and tripod and tape it. The videos I take I can't seem to upload them to YouTube though I have been trying. SIGH!

1 comment:

heatherdmc said...

Congrats, Joe! How exciting!