Friday, November 14, 2008

Update On Me

Okay, so I'm just fine today. My shoulder doesn't hurt and my knees quit hurting too. I didn't work out today cuz number one, CJ is sick at home and 2 Chuck got pulled over yesterday for speeding and his plates expired in August!! Dang, it's hard to keep track of everything cuz some of the vehicles are in the company's name so they all fall on different months. This one was due in August on my birthday. All vehicles are registered in my name and the company's. This one isn't, not sure why so it fell on my birthday. I probably got a renewal reminder in the mail but I really don't remember. So, he got slammed with 2 tickets. Oh well, maybe he should slow down, LOL!! I should talk! :) So, I renewed them for 2 years like I did mine and we are good till 2010.

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