Thursday, November 20, 2008

Letter to the Editor

Why is my life always spinning with drama? My lawyer called me to inform me that there was a letter to my story so I went out and got a copy. He is writing up a response. Of course this wasn't online so I had to type it all out! LOL!! Here is the letter in today's paper:

Lawsuit Hurts Volunteers

Re Rozalski's APL dog Sandy that had to be spayed after she adopted it:

I felt that Ms Rozalski is spitting in the faces of so many of us volunteers who have put in-literally-hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours at the APL for free. What has Ms Rozalski done for the community lately? She's suing it, that what! The Astabula APL is the only APL in the biggest and poorest county in Ohio and has operated on a shoe-string budget for ages. How's about we counter-sue her for the grief and annoyance she brings to so many volunteers with whom I've spoken about this frivolous case?

No one disagrees that the APL should reimburse her for her vet bill for spaying, which I'm sure they agreed to do. But to sue this desperately needed organization and vet who has done so many spays and neuters it'd make your head spin? I am confident that hundreds, if not thousands, of satisfied patrons would beg to differ with Ms Rozalski and her lawyer's charge that the APL may be intentionally defrauding the public. Absurd! And Pathetic.

Well, thanks for the great kick-off to the Holiday season, when the usually generous public helps out in a big way with donations, gifts that help carry the shelter through the next few months of budgeting.

Char Rao

Nice huh? LOL!! She has no idea that the APL refused to speak with me, I called numbers of times and even went there and they just plain refused to see me! I even wrote a letter along with my vet bill asking for ONLY the $155 for the spay. NOTHING!!! ah well, what can you do! She assumes wrong if she thinks the APL was offering me my money for the spay. They offered me NOTHING! I wonder what Brett will write in return? Can't wait to see it!

Well, that's my drama for today. It seems to follow me! My life would be boring without it I guess!

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