Friday, November 14, 2008

Home Sick

Well, last night CJ was feeling much better. He even went to gymnastics and had a big supper. I thought all was well, WRONG!! Come 3am his up barfing and has a terrible migraine. So, I've been up for a LONG time! He finally feel asleep on the couch and I got up him at 6am to see if he was better and I could send him to school. He stood up and lost it again. So, he's home in bed. He tried some crackers but threw them up too. So, it's not just a headache that is causing him to be sick. I hope he feels somewhat better by tonight. It's the spaghetti dinner and their Basket Ball outing with the youth group. I don't mind taking his dinner home for later, I know he wants to hang out with his friends (the dinner is at their old school). I know he really wants to play BB too, so let's hope by then he's feeling better.

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