Monday, November 17, 2008

Snow Day!!

So, we got hammered with snow last night. I was at the Y with Joe all day for a swim meet and I had to drive 20-25 miles an hour all the way home. Took over an hour!!! I was glad to get home though.

Got up this morning at 5:45am and let the dog out and checked the computer and smiled! Snow Day! I climbed right back into bed until 8am! The boys woke up around 7:30 all scared thinking I slept in and they were late for school! They were happy to spend the day on their computers.

I did make them get off at lunch, to eat and play their music. I pulled the Christmas music out and they were happy about that. Joe played "Good King Weceslas" and that made him think of Nana and he asked me when she was coming because it's almost Christmas and that is when we see her. He was sad to hear that she couldn't come this year but he understood why. They love ya Mom and miss you!

If I ever figure out YouTube I will have Joe play that song on his violin and put it up on my blog. I get all the way to saving videos on my computer but I can't seem to figure out how to get them to upload to YouTube. Very frustrating!

So, I think I'm going to just stay home all day and Chuck calls, he forgot his keys to the skidder so I had to run them into Ashtabula. Then I THOUGHT Joe had a swim team practice at 3pm but come to find out when I got there that it was canceled for Monday!! The coach doesn't have me on his email list so I was clueless. I ran all the way in there for NOTHING!! ARG!!! That is a 25 minute drive one way!! I would have much rather stayed home on my computer! LOL!

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