Thursday, November 6, 2008

Boys And School

Tonight Chuck went to the parent teacher conference at the boys school. I had to run the boys to gymnastics and swimming and I had a meeting at the church at 6:30 so I couldn't go. I guess the boys are doing really well and all the teachers really like them.

Chuck said that someone stole all the dry erase markers from the English teachers room and she told all her classes how upset she was that someone had taken them and that who ever did she would leave her door unlocked during a certain time the next day and she expects them to be returned. Well, I guess CJ came into her room before school started and said he felt bad that her markers were stolen and he brought his set from home for her. Said he never uses them and that she could have them. How sweat is that!! I never even knew he did that! BTW, the markers showed up in her desk later that day. But CJ really wanted her to have them so he asked if they could be a spare set for her room. LOL!!

Joe's English teacher said that he's very smart and gets most of the jokes she tells that usually goes over everyone else's head. That's Joe for you though, the jokester! Joe's music teacher said he is VERY talented and is the glue to the whole bass section. The only problem the teacher has with him is getting him to STOP playing! LOL!! He very impressed that he only has to tell Joe something once and he really gets it.

So, over all they are doing well. Report cards came out and Joe got all A's and has a 4.0 and CJ got 2 B's and the rest A's. I don't remember his grade point average, 3.6 or something like that. They both made honor roll. CJ would have gotten an A in History but his binder check's were low. He has a very hard time focusing and being organized, so I need to help him with this. If it weren't for that he would have had an A and that made him very depressed so the teacher helped him get it all organized and printed out what he needed and where for his binder.

Both need to improve on there book reports by doing EXACTLY what it's asking for and putting a little more effort into them. But, other than that, they are doing very well.

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