Thursday, November 13, 2008


The boys have been sick all week long. CJ more then Joe. They both have head colds, but CJ is just miserable. He's had headaches all week long, he's exhausted, his whole body hurts, he can't breathe. Joe has a stuffy nose. LOL! CJ hasn't gone anywhere but school all week. He even missed gymnastics, which he never does. He might not go again tonight.

The school called me yesterday because his study hall teacher made him go to the nurse. They will only give out Tylenol so I told her forget it, that doesn't touch his headaches. She told me that she would send a paper home with CJ to fill out and I could bring in a brand new, unopened box of Motrin and then she can give it to the boys when they need some.

I do hope he starts feeling better soon. Friday they have a basketball outing with the youth group and I bought spaghetti dinner tickets for Friday from their old school. I LOVE spaghetti dinners!!! LOL!!

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