Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Okay, my sister Candy has informed me via email that I haven't updated my blog is SIX DAYS, God forbid, LOL!!!!

Well, sometimes my life is just boring! What can I say. I'm not all drama you know!

Well, today gas here is $1.99, can you believe it, they have dusted off there 1! I didn't even know they kept those 1's! LOL!! It's nice to fill my tank and not even get to $50! I used to get $50 and not even fill it up. This gas station only let's you get $50 on your debit card at a time. Amazing!

Yesterday, I grabbed the mail on my way to get the boys from school. I get there and I usually wait about 30 or so minutes. I like getting there early. Anyway, there is something for me to my old address on Mill Street in a big square envelope with just a PO box for a return address. I was going to toss it, since I'm assuming it's junk mail. I open it since I'm bored and a bit curious. To my amazement, it's from Google and it's a check for $309.88!!!! Wow, and I was going to throw it away!! LOL!!! Now, I have NO CLUE where this money came from. It says AdSense, which are those clickable adds I have on my blogs and websites. Now I make about $100 a YEAR with those. I checked my account and it says I have $41 made so far. They only cut checks if you have $100 in your account. Now, how did I get $309.88??? Plus, I have had the correct address on my AdSense account for months. So, I emailed google to see why I got this check, we'll see what they say. I cashed it anyway of course LOL!!

Other than that, I have been running the boys here and there every evening. I take Joe Swimming on Monday from 4-5, on Tuesday Joe has Jr. Phil from 5-6:15 and CJ has gymnastics from 6:30-8:30. Chuck usually takes Joe and I take CJ. On Wed. CJ has music lessons 2:30-3:30 and Joe has jazz/pep band practice from 2:30-4:00. Then they go to Youth Group from 6:30-9:00. On Thursday CJ has gymnastics from 4-6 and Joe has swimming from 7-8. Joe has to come with us because both are in Ashtabula, so we are gone from 3:30 to 8:30 on Thursday nights! On Friday Joe has swimming from 6-7. And on Saturday mornings Joe has music lessons in Erie from 9:15-10:15 and every other Saturday he has a swim meets (which last at LEAST 6 hours). He has one this Saturday and it's about 45 minutes away! So, that is how my life goes right now. It's peaceful till I have to pick them up from school and then it's just crazy!

On Monday morning I met with Sandy's lawyer and he has decided to just go after the APL and he is getting the licensing board involved and looking into the Dr. that supposedly gave Sandy the first spay. He filled on Monday and the paper will run the story some time next week. I will keep you updated on that as things happen.

1 comment:

heatherdmc said...

It is good that the boys are doing so well in school. I feel bad about the Sandy situation. I wish you could have worked it out another way. They seem to want to place animals rather than put them away.