Saturday, November 29, 2008

Homemade Bread

I make all my own sandwich bread. Have for years. I do buy hamburger and hotdog buns but I always make my sandwich bread. About 8 years ago or so I bought the coolest bread pan! Here is how I make my bread.

First you do the dough in the bread machine.

I do it on the dough setting. When it's done I then put it in the bread pan. Then you put the lid on the pan.Then I put it in the oven to rise. I set the timer for 2 hours. This took me a while to get it down, because if it rises to much it comes out the end!! So, you check it by moving the lid, if it moves easliy then you need to let it rise more. You want to feel it pull a bit when you try to move the lid. Then you take it out of the oven, pre-heat the oven for 10 minutes and then bake it for 30 minutes. Then when it's done take the lid off and put the loaf of bread on a cooling rack.

I then let it cool down for a while and I trim the hard crust of the edges and then I use an electric knife to slice into slices.

I was making this bread for the party. I was to bring egg salad sandwhiches. Here is what the bread looks like cut up. Looks just like store bought bread! I LOVE this pan!!! It was expensive but worth it! I kind of wish I had 2! But I will live with one, LOL!

And here is all the sandwiches I made. I ended up bringing 2 home, so not bad!

Here is the link to the Bread Pan.

1 comment:

Kitty said...

COOL!!! I might just sponge your ideas on this one. I make my own bread also, but I leave mine in the machine to form/bake. It's in the rough shape of a loaf, but it's THICK. Would you mind sharing your bread recipe? Mine is good but heavy... Yours looks so light and fluffy!!