Friday, January 23, 2009


Chuck's brother Dave has been busting his butt trying to get out the big order Chuck got for wood all week. He's new at this and isnt' very fast. He didn't get it all done but they were running out of material so yesterday the dropped off what they had done and were going to work on the rest of the order next week. Well, when they dropped it off the company said, hey this will do for now we'll call you when we get low again. We lost $3,600.00 because of that. They have done that before when Chuck took in less then what they asked for. They will be fine for about 6 weeks so that just totally screwed us. We are behind in everything and this was going to help us not lose our stuff. Chuck was so mad and I'm just frustrated.

CJ is home sick today. Yesterday he had a stomache ache and a headache and his back hurts. He didn't go to gymnastics last night, he went right to bed with his computer after school and stayed there all night. This morning I got him up and he was still sick so I just kept him home. I sure hope he doesn't have the flu which seems to be going around at the school.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

sorry to hear you are having it so rough. I wish I could just take you my whole paycheck and bless you with it. Unfortunately, I can't. I will pray for Cj to feel better. I don't like to see my favorite little buddy not feeling good. Trust in God and he will see ya through!