Monday, January 26, 2009

New Week

Yesterday we had our friends over for lunch. They came at 1:20 and we sat down to lasagna, corn, rolls, pasta salad, and yummy cake! It was a great lunch! Then us adults played a dice game called "Can't Stop" and I won all three times!! That never happens! The three girls watched the boys play video games. Joe played his violin and piano, CJ mostly just lay down all day as he still wasn't feeling too well.

Today, I did some work on my blogs. I wrote some articles, one of which took me all morning and then my computer froze up and crashed to a blue screen and I lost it all!! The program I use to write them in doesn't save, which sucks! But, it only took me 20 minutes to write it up again. Get this, I usually make between 0-.10 a day on adsense but today I made .96 so far! LOL!! Well, it's something anyway! I started another blog today so I'm up to 5 blogs. 3 have posts that go till the end of Feb. the other 2 don't have any yet. Just getting them set up.

Chuck has a doctor appointment tomorrow at 8:30am which means we all leave here at 6:45am, drop the boys off at school and drive the hour and a half down to the doctors office. Chuck said the past 10 days have been the best and he has seen the most improvement. :)

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