Friday, January 30, 2009

Day for Doctors

I kept Joe home today as he could barely breath and his ears hurt. I told him to go back to bed. I took him to the doctors at 11:30am and no ear infection, just a really bad head and chest cold. I'm glad about that. I hate when his ears are infected. So, came back home for a bit and then back to the school to get CJ and head off to Cleveland for his neurology appointment. The doctor wants him to try and go off the headache med's and see if his headaches come back. If they do, then he is to go back on them. So, we will try that here soon. Last time we tried he had awful headaches.

We have been approved for the state medical card, all of us, so it was nice that all the medicine and doctor appointments were paid for. CJ is on expensive med's for ADD that we pay $146 a month for. The doctor gave us a 90 day script for it a while back and I couldn't get it as it's $450 script!! So she gave me a few 30 day ones. Anyway, I took that 90 day script and filled it today. That was nice. I have enough med's now to last all school year. I don't know how long we'll be on state medicare but it will be nice.

I got Chuck's sleeping med's today too. The doctor gave him some to help him sleep. He'll go days with no sleep or just some here and there. The doctor thinks that once he is up and moving more again all day it will get better. I hope so cuz he keeps me up!!

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