Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Another Wednesday

Not much really to say. Just thought I'd check in. Nothing special is going on or has. Kids are doing there same old stuff and I'm driving them here and there. Chuck and his brother Dave are trying very hard to get an order done up by tomorrow so that we can get some money in. I got my money from the APL so that was nice. Got to pay my cell phone bill and some other stuff. We haven't heard yet if we all qualify for Medical from the state yet. I hope we all do, that would help out so much! We did get help with food stamps right away so we are at least eating!

Chuck and I saw a counselor today about Joe. We are worried about him and his anger and mouthy-ness. She thinks he may just have a form of ADD but not the hyper kind. So, we filled out a paper and we are having him and one of his teachers fill one out too. He has told me that he has a VERY hard time paying attention in class and he is extremely forgetful to the point of crying and thinking badly about himself for it. So, once the papers are filled out we will go from there. Joe will be seeing the counselor too, and I really hope it helps because he hasn't been doing very well emotionally, poor kid! But if this were to help I bet he would feel much better. CJ did, he could finally focus and he realized that he really wasn't dumb that he really was smart he just had a hard time with focusing. We should know more next week.

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