Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Long Day

Today was a very long day and it's only 4:30pm. Got up at 5:45am and got the boys ready for school and then got Chuck up and we all left the house at 7:00am. Dropped the boys off at school and then went into Ashtabula to sign up for medical assistance from the state. We still have to turn in some paper work but it looks like they will pay for all Chuck's medical bills and we'll probably get medical cards for the boys! That would be wonderful because CJ's medicine is almost $200 a month!! We also got emergency food stamps and will have them by the weekend and I can go shopping! We'll get $588 a month while Chuck isn't working. I hate that we need the help but we really do need the help.

After that we got Chuck's drivers license because he has no ID since his wallet was taken. Then I stopped at the library for a book for CJ. Then we drove to the school and gave the book to CJ for his English class. Then I took Chuck over to a shop here in town that buys wood from him and he got a nice order!!! YEAH!! So, Dave will start on that and by next week we'll have a check!! It's something anyway.

I have decided not to take the boys out tonight. I was supposed to have Joe in Fairview for JR. Phil and CJ in Ashtabula for Gymnastics. But the weather got really bad and I am just going to stay home. Joe has never missed a practice but it won't hurt this once and I'm saving a TON on gas!

I didn't do anything with my blogs yet today. They are on autopilot though and have posts going up every day. One though I only have set up for the next couple of days so I have to get some more posts written and set up. You're supposed to have 6 months worth of posts done before you move on to the next blog. I have three up and 2 have 1 month worth of posts and one has maybe 3 more days worth. LOL!! BUT, I have mine posting every day for the first month instead of twice a week. They say to write about 60 posts and have them go up every third day adn then every fourth and then every third and then every fourth, you get the idea. LOL!

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