Wednesday, February 4, 2009

In a Funk

Meant to write a long time ago. I have a video of CJ's gymnastics meet that I wanted you all to see but it takes HOURS to upload!! I will have to let it run over night some time. He did really well though.

Nothing much has gone on this week. Chuck is walking around the house without crutches. When he goes out he wears the air cast and uses his crutches.

I called about getting state aid cash and found out that I can get $556 a month if we work 55 hours a week. We would be making about $2.50 a hour. I guess that is one way to try and keep people of cash assistance! Come next week we'll have about $50 and that's it. It's been scary. I hope we can find some way to bring in something to keep gas in my truck. We have both been depressed about our money situation this month. Nothing we can do though and I'm sure we'll be fine even if we lose everything, we'll still be okay. Thank God, I own my truck and the house we live in.

We've been having problems with Joe and that hasn't been helping. He is SO lazy! He got a D on his book report and thinks that is fine because he'll still pull off a B in the class. ARG!! He just does only what he has too or less. He's also very defiant, mouthy and angry. We have him in counseling at the church and we both go too. I hope it helps. I'm so stressed out!! Most days I just want to cry.

Well, hopefully I'll get that video uploaded and you all can see what CJ can do!

1 comment:

Becky said...

mouthy, defiant, and angry,...sounds like Sydney's been since 9 months old. Stressful to say the least!