Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Chuck's Update

Took Chuck to the doctor today. He got an air walking cast. Amazing! He can actually put about 25% weight on it. Helps with his balance. He is to stretch his foot forward and back to help with stretching and blood flow. Doc said it will be a good 2 months before he's back to work. I have no idea what we'll do. We haven't found anyone to cut for us and of course his partner, Neal, couldn't give a crap about us so he's no help. I'm a bit stressed over how in the world we'll be able to pay our bills, keep gas in the truck and eat.

We, again, spent 3 hours at the doctors office and 95% of that was waiting around!! SUCKS!!! The next time we go in they made our appointment first thing so we can get right in. We'll see if we actually do!

I took some pictures of his leg when they took his cast off. A bit disturbing so you don't have to look if you don't want too! He got all the staples and stitches out, and he's happy about that!!! The stitches in the middle of his leg is where the bone busted through. The staples on his ankle and knee is where they cut him open to insert the rod and screws. EEWW!!!

I missed lunch with the girls again this week. I really miss seeing everyone!! WAAAAA!!!!


Rhonda said...

It looks like it is healing very well and it is straight! That's really good. Sometimes they aren't so straight after they break so severely. I pray for a speedy recovery!

Anonymous said...


I am a Rozalski too and I live in France.
I have seen my (our) name on internet .... I've played the curious.
my e-mail : ropatrick@hotmail.fr
peut être à bientôt