Sunday, November 30, 2008

Homemade Bread Recipe

My sister Kitty wanted the recipe for this sandwich bread I make. She says it looks light and fluffy but really it's a dense bread, not really heavy but dense which is good for sandwiches. The recipe came with the bread machine back in 99, man I need a new bread machine, mine really is falling apart but I just keep hoping it will keep kickin!

This makes a 2 pound loaf of bread

2 Tlbs Sugar or 2 Tlbs Honey instead
4 Cups Bread Flour
2 Tsp Salt
2 Tsp Yeast
1 ½ Cups Milk
2 Tbls Butter

My bread machine is falling apart and you can't put liquid in first because the seals are all rotted away so it leaks. So, I put in the flour and then sugar/honey and salt. I make a hole and put the yeast in that and cover it back up with flour. I put the milk in a glass measuring cup and cut the butter (which I use real butter) into small chunks into the milk and put that into the microwave on very low just to warm the milk and melt the butter. Then I pour this over the flour mixture and set the machine on dough and let it run till it's done.

Then transfer the dough into the bread pan. The size of my bread pan is 13" x 4" x 4". So, maybe because it's a bigger space then the bread machine the bread doesn't turn out so heavy? Not sure.

A couple of folks have told me that Amazon has this pan for a lot less then King Arthur Flour does. Also the bread slicer I use is a West Bend Bread Slicing Guide. I got it at Wal*Mart years ago. I have no idea if they still sell it or not. It folds in half and I'll miss it when it dies. I'm on my second one now. I see they have them on ebay. Here's a picture I got off ebay of it.

The electric knife was a gift from my Mother In Law Christmas of 99. I cut myself pretty bad with a bread knife the first time I made bread and she felt bad and got me the knife. I'm still using the same one and I use it all the time. I'm surprised that it still works! It's great for cutting the bread, it doesn't "Squish" the bread and miss-shape it.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Homemade Bread

I make all my own sandwich bread. Have for years. I do buy hamburger and hotdog buns but I always make my sandwich bread. About 8 years ago or so I bought the coolest bread pan! Here is how I make my bread.

First you do the dough in the bread machine.

I do it on the dough setting. When it's done I then put it in the bread pan. Then you put the lid on the pan.Then I put it in the oven to rise. I set the timer for 2 hours. This took me a while to get it down, because if it rises to much it comes out the end!! So, you check it by moving the lid, if it moves easliy then you need to let it rise more. You want to feel it pull a bit when you try to move the lid. Then you take it out of the oven, pre-heat the oven for 10 minutes and then bake it for 30 minutes. Then when it's done take the lid off and put the loaf of bread on a cooling rack.

I then let it cool down for a while and I trim the hard crust of the edges and then I use an electric knife to slice into slices.

I was making this bread for the party. I was to bring egg salad sandwhiches. Here is what the bread looks like cut up. Looks just like store bought bread! I LOVE this pan!!! It was expensive but worth it! I kind of wish I had 2! But I will live with one, LOL!

And here is all the sandwiches I made. I ended up bringing 2 home, so not bad!

Here is the link to the Bread Pan.

Gram's 90th Birthday!

Tonight we went to the nursing home for Gram's (Chuck's Dad's Mom) 90th birthday party. Here she is at 90 years old!


The boys and Chuck went hunting early in the morning so I was home by myself for the morning. I cleaned the house and played on the computer with Christmas music on. Very relaxing! Then around 12:30 we headed over to the in-laws for lunch. Brenda, Lou and the gang didn't come so we decided to go see them after lunch at Bonnie's.

I put all the pictures I could find of Chuck's side of the family on my digital picture frame and took it over there. They all really enjoyed that. Lunch was good, so we all had a good time. Around 3:30 we headed over to Brenda's to see the new baby (Zack)!

Here he is!! Joe is holding him.

He is oh so cute and small!! Mine where never that size, well, not outside of my tummy anyway! He was 7lbs 8oz and mine were 10lbs 5oz and 9lbs 12oz, LOL!!!

Here is Joe holding him.

Here is CJ holding him.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Odds and Ends

The phone company just called and said I had been over billed, I think over a course of time, and that I would be getting a check for $160 in the mail soon. COOL! Something about a double line? No clue, just glad they are actually giving it back. We hate our one and only phone company! I think I'll just use it to pay the phone bill, LOL!!

Met with the lawyer yesterday and he thinks that the APL will just settle for what I'm asking for, which is $350! LOL!! Brett said he is working Pro-Bono so I don't owe him anything. Maybe I'll have it by Christmas? That would be nice! People just can't believe I would sue warm fuzzy animals!! God forbid! LOL! The paper has been running "fluff" articles about the APL that has nothing to do with the case but they are trying to look good for donations since it's the holiday season.

The boys have school today but then they will be off till Tuesday. It will be nice to be able to sleep past 5:45am. They are going hunting in the morning tomorrow and then we are all off to the In-Laws for dinner at 1pm. Brenda had her 6th baby last week so she probably won't be there but I hope Lou and the kids will be. I haven't been over to see the baby yet, I really should get over there. She had him on Saturday night. His name is Zack.

I'm in a cookie exchange this year. I've never been in one before so I thought I'd try it out. I have to make 12 dozen peanut butter blossoms with the kisses in the middle of them. There are 13 of us in all doing the exchange. I'm doing them with the ladies I have lunch with every Tuesday. I hope I actually like the cookies I'll be getting, you never know! We do the exchange on Dec. 7th so I better get to the store and get everything I need and get cracking!

Joe's first concert with the Erie Jr. Phil is on Wed. Dec 3rd at 7:30pm on West 10th street in Erie. I have to get him clothes, black pants, white shirt, black shoes and a tie. Can be any kind of tie. I'll have to take the camcorder and tripod and tape it. The videos I take I can't seem to upload them to YouTube though I have been trying. SIGH!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thanksgiving Dinner

Today was Thanksgiving Dinner for my side of the family. I had a really good time and I was sad when it was time to go. It went so fast! The meal was great and I love sitting down after the meal and talking with all the ladies. We watched a picture slide show that my Aunt Esther made and we talked about old times (My favorite!) and just had some good laughs. I was extremely stuffed and happy when I went home. Can't wait for Christmas to come and we can do it again at my sister Kitty's house!

Chuck and I both said how much we missed my dad. He's been gone for a year and a half. Chuck usually talks to him the whole time and he said talking with Uncle Terry just isn't the same. At these gatherings is when I usually see my Dad and I really miss him today!

Here are some pictures that I took with my phone. My sister Candy took some of all of us with her camera but she hasn't sent me any yet so that will have to wait.

Here is the left half of the table. I got a picture of everyone but it turned out so fuzzy you couldn't see anything. My phone doesn't take that great of pictures and my camera needs to be professionally cleaned because it has some serious black spots!

Here is Joe. He sat across from me so I got a picture of him. The computer behind him is where the slide show was going on.

This is Douglas the Snowman that is ontop of my nephew (Lynn's) car. It has been there for over 40 miles and hasn't gotten knocked off, LOL!! It was cute so I thought I'd catch a picture of it

I took this picture off my sisters blog since she hasn't emailed me any of those pictures yet here is everyone! (I just got them in my inbox, thanks!!)

CJ's Deer

On Saturday morning CJ got up early to go deer hunting. Before the sun was even out they headed out to the deer stands. It was youth weekend and if your 16 and under you can hunt Saturday and Sunday. CJ and Chuck came back around 9am frozen and no deer. I had to head out to Joe's swim meet but CJ and Chuck went back out around 2:30 and after being in the deer stand for about 45 minutes CJ got a button buck. Here is the picture:

Friday, November 21, 2008

Yet Another Snow Day!

Yup, woke up at 5:20 and I checked to see if the school was closed and it wasn't listed so I figured we were good to go. The alarm went off at 5:45 and I opened the front door and Holy Cow! There must have been about 2 feet of snow piled up by the front door and everywhere else! So, I checked the computer again and this time a ton of schools were listed. So, I went back to bed. I didn't get up till 8am.

Read Heather's Blog (Muddy Boots) and saw all the baking she was doing and thought I would do some too. I made coffee cake for breakfast. When it was done I hollered to CJ if he wanted a piece of cake for breakfast! LOL!! He said SURE and came running! It was good but I put it in a smaller cake dish then I should have and that made it VERY tall. Next time I will go with a 9 X 13 pan.

Then I baked up a loaf of bread since we finished off the bread with meatball subs for lunch. After lunch I made a batch of peanut butter cookies and a batch of peanut butter chocolate chips cookies. Joe doesn't like chocolate so I always make some without the chips.

Chuck didn't work today, too much snow, so he and the boys and the neighbor boy put together a couple deer stands, sited in the guns and are getting ready for youth season for deer that starts tomorrow. CJ is going out in the morning. Joe has a swim meet. Then on Sunday Joe might go in the morning but he has play practice at church at 10am and right after church we have Thanksgiving dinner at my aunt's so that shoots Sunday for hunting and it's only this weekend that just the kids go.

The boys aren't quiet into hunting the way my husband is. My husband is a die hard hunting fan, the boys, not so much. This bothers Chuck a lot cuz he wants them to love it as much as he does. Maybe some day they will. I think right now they are just lazy teenagers! They do like to hunt, but they don't like to do what it takes TO hunt! LOL! Like right now the neighbor boy is helping Chuck put the stands together while Joe is taking a nap and CJ i s on the couch watching! ARG!! Sometimes my kids are SO SO SO SO SO lazy!!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Letter to the Editor

Why is my life always spinning with drama? My lawyer called me to inform me that there was a letter to my story so I went out and got a copy. He is writing up a response. Of course this wasn't online so I had to type it all out! LOL!! Here is the letter in today's paper:

Lawsuit Hurts Volunteers

Re Rozalski's APL dog Sandy that had to be spayed after she adopted it:

I felt that Ms Rozalski is spitting in the faces of so many of us volunteers who have put in-literally-hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours at the APL for free. What has Ms Rozalski done for the community lately? She's suing it, that what! The Astabula APL is the only APL in the biggest and poorest county in Ohio and has operated on a shoe-string budget for ages. How's about we counter-sue her for the grief and annoyance she brings to so many volunteers with whom I've spoken about this frivolous case?

No one disagrees that the APL should reimburse her for her vet bill for spaying, which I'm sure they agreed to do. But to sue this desperately needed organization and vet who has done so many spays and neuters it'd make your head spin? I am confident that hundreds, if not thousands, of satisfied patrons would beg to differ with Ms Rozalski and her lawyer's charge that the APL may be intentionally defrauding the public. Absurd! And Pathetic.

Well, thanks for the great kick-off to the Holiday season, when the usually generous public helps out in a big way with donations, gifts that help carry the shelter through the next few months of budgeting.

Char Rao

Nice huh? LOL!! She has no idea that the APL refused to speak with me, I called numbers of times and even went there and they just plain refused to see me! I even wrote a letter along with my vet bill asking for ONLY the $155 for the spay. NOTHING!!! ah well, what can you do! She assumes wrong if she thinks the APL was offering me my money for the spay. They offered me NOTHING! I wonder what Brett will write in return? Can't wait to see it!

Well, that's my drama for today. It seems to follow me! My life would be boring without it I guess!

Monday, November 17, 2008

My Radio

Ah, I must complain about my radio!! I have been listening to XM Radio Channel 17 for 4 years now and I have always LOVED it! It's country music from the 80's and 90's with NO commercials, NO real live people talking, with only station identification here and there but mostly just solid music. LOVE IT!! Then comes last Tuesday!! I FLIPPED OUT on the way to dropping the boys off at school.

There was a PERSON talking on my radio!!! They were saying what the songs were and making stupid jokes, I was mad!! I was going on and on about it all the way to school and I complained to the girls at the gym too. I found out that Sirius has merged with XM radio so my station is now Sirius 61/XM 17. Music is the same, there are still no commercials but there are people on there yapping and thinking they are funny!! I'm so upset!!!! ARG!!!!

I don't know if I'll ever get over it either! :( LOL!!! Just ask the boys, they will tell you all about my fit about the radio. My family has heard all about it all week long! LOL!!

On a good note, the Christmas Channels have started already! So, now I can listen to Christmas music 24/7!! Yeah for me!!!

Snow Day!!

So, we got hammered with snow last night. I was at the Y with Joe all day for a swim meet and I had to drive 20-25 miles an hour all the way home. Took over an hour!!! I was glad to get home though.

Got up this morning at 5:45am and let the dog out and checked the computer and smiled! Snow Day! I climbed right back into bed until 8am! The boys woke up around 7:30 all scared thinking I slept in and they were late for school! They were happy to spend the day on their computers.

I did make them get off at lunch, to eat and play their music. I pulled the Christmas music out and they were happy about that. Joe played "Good King Weceslas" and that made him think of Nana and he asked me when she was coming because it's almost Christmas and that is when we see her. He was sad to hear that she couldn't come this year but he understood why. They love ya Mom and miss you!

If I ever figure out YouTube I will have Joe play that song on his violin and put it up on my blog. I get all the way to saving videos on my computer but I can't seem to figure out how to get them to upload to YouTube. Very frustrating!

So, I think I'm going to just stay home all day and Chuck calls, he forgot his keys to the skidder so I had to run them into Ashtabula. Then I THOUGHT Joe had a swim team practice at 3pm but come to find out when I got there that it was canceled for Monday!! The coach doesn't have me on his email list so I was clueless. I ran all the way in there for NOTHING!! ARG!!! That is a 25 minute drive one way!! I would have much rather stayed home on my computer! LOL!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Front Page

Last night, Mark Todd, the man writing the article for the paper, came by last night around 6pm and took my picture along with Sandy. She did really well and sat next to me on the couch for over 5 minutes with a stranger taking our picture. She LOVES new people and is usually all over them, LOL!

So, today we are on the front page of the paper!! I bought 3, LOL!! This morning Joe has violin/piano lesson in Erie so we are out of the house by 8:30 and by 9am people were calling the house. 1 left a nasty message and Chuck picked it up and gave the woman what for. She can't believe I would go after such a good cause like the APL and try to "get rich" off them!! Ya right!! I just wanted my $155!! Good grief!! Even the lawyer knew I was having a hard time with this case because they do a good service! Another lady called and said I was doing a good thing saying she had a problem with them and one of her cats.

Here is the article, there was no picture online to go with it:

By MARK TODD - Staff Writer - mtodd@starbeacon.comStar Beacon

November 14, 2008 11:33 pm— CONNEAUT — A Monroe Township woman is suing the Ashtabula County Animal Protective League and a northern Ohio veterinarian after discovering the dog she obtained from the shelter was not spayed, as billed.

When obtained early this year, the dog had stitches on her stomach, which indicated surgery had been performed. Months later, the owner was surprised to learn from a second veterinarian the animal had not been spayed.

“To say that everyone was floored is an understatement,” the plaintiff, Marsha Rozalski, 7024 Richardson Road, said in a statement.

Rozalski filed a lawsuit last week in Ashtabula County Common Pleas Court against the APL and Dr. Joy Hudson, who performed the alleged procedure on behalf of the APL, according to the complaint.

Rozalski obtained the dog, then 2 months old, at the end of January, according to the lawsuit.

The APL told Rozalski the same day of the adoption that the animal had been “altered.” Documents provided to Rozalski said the procedure had been done by Hudson and an APL staff member, according to the lawsuit.

The dog’s fur had been shaved, and the “skin had been incised and sutured in the area of her abdomen, which plaintiff reasonably understood to indicate that (the) dog had recently been spayed,” according to the complaint.

In September, Sandy the dog — a Labrador mix — began discharging blood, prompting a trip to a local veterinarian who informed Rozalski the animal was in heat. However, the reaction could have been caused by a portion of ovary left behind during the spaying, and the decision was made to perform surgery to retrieve any remaining pieces of ovary.

When the procedure was done Sept. 25, the veterinarian discovered the ovaries were intact and the dog had not been spayed, according to the lawsuit.

Rozalski claims the defendants “willfully and knowingly, and with intent to defraud their potential customers or clients, misrepresented the medical status of the dog.” In addition, the APL and Hudson “acted with gross negligence” in the matter, according to the complaint.

Rozalski is seeking compensation for the dog’s medical bills, “annoyance and inconvenience, punitive or exemplary damages” and attorney fees, according to the lawsuit.

The case has been assigned to Judge Ronald Vettel.A call was placed to the APL shelter on Green Road in Kingsville Township, seeking comment. The request would be passed along to the APL board, said someone who identified himself as a supervisor. Hudson reportedly works at a clinic in North Royalton, but when the business was contacted, a receptionist said Hudson no longer works there. She could not be reached for comment.

Rozalski is represented by Conneaut attorney Brett Joseph.

“If this is simple negligence, there’s cause for concern,” Joseph said. “If it’s a case of fraud or if intentional, my concern is much greater.”

Copyright © 1999-2008 cnhi, inc.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Update On Me

Okay, so I'm just fine today. My shoulder doesn't hurt and my knees quit hurting too. I didn't work out today cuz number one, CJ is sick at home and 2 Chuck got pulled over yesterday for speeding and his plates expired in August!! Dang, it's hard to keep track of everything cuz some of the vehicles are in the company's name so they all fall on different months. This one was due in August on my birthday. All vehicles are registered in my name and the company's. This one isn't, not sure why so it fell on my birthday. I probably got a renewal reminder in the mail but I really don't remember. So, he got slammed with 2 tickets. Oh well, maybe he should slow down, LOL!! I should talk! :) So, I renewed them for 2 years like I did mine and we are good till 2010.

Home Sick

Well, last night CJ was feeling much better. He even went to gymnastics and had a big supper. I thought all was well, WRONG!! Come 3am his up barfing and has a terrible migraine. So, I've been up for a LONG time! He finally feel asleep on the couch and I got up him at 6am to see if he was better and I could send him to school. He stood up and lost it again. So, he's home in bed. He tried some crackers but threw them up too. So, it's not just a headache that is causing him to be sick. I hope he feels somewhat better by tonight. It's the spaghetti dinner and their Basket Ball outing with the youth group. I don't mind taking his dinner home for later, I know he wants to hang out with his friends (the dinner is at their old school). I know he really wants to play BB too, so let's hope by then he's feeling better.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I fell

Okay, I feel so stupid. Every morning I drop the boys off at school and then I go to SNAP Fitness. For some reason, I didn't pick my foot up all the way for the step up to the door and I fell and slammed my shoulder into the side of the building. I get up and go in, thinking everyone saw me, there were 3 people on treadmills there, but no one did. I could barely move my arm, but I got on the treadmill and could only do 13 minutes and went home. My shoulder still hurts. I usually do 45 minutes. The girls are going to think I just decided to stay home and not workout today, LOL! At least I didn't break anything, but I think I'm going to be sore for a while.


The boys have been sick all week long. CJ more then Joe. They both have head colds, but CJ is just miserable. He's had headaches all week long, he's exhausted, his whole body hurts, he can't breathe. Joe has a stuffy nose. LOL! CJ hasn't gone anywhere but school all week. He even missed gymnastics, which he never does. He might not go again tonight.

The school called me yesterday because his study hall teacher made him go to the nurse. They will only give out Tylenol so I told her forget it, that doesn't touch his headaches. She told me that she would send a paper home with CJ to fill out and I could bring in a brand new, unopened box of Motrin and then she can give it to the boys when they need some.

I do hope he starts feeling better soon. Friday they have a basketball outing with the youth group and I bought spaghetti dinner tickets for Friday from their old school. I LOVE spaghetti dinners!!! LOL!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sandy in the Snow

I got a picture of Sandy freaking out in the snow this morning. We got hammered with at least 6 inches of snow here. A bit further south and NOTHING! I barely made it to the boys school, couldn't go more then 30 miles an hour the whole way and could barely see. I got a picture of her running around in circles in the snow.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Weekend Stuff

This weekend wasn't too bad. I took Joe to his swim meet in Madison yesterday. This time I wasn't stuck there for 6 hours on hard bleachers, I only had to sit there for 4, LOL!! He did alright. I video taped it so I will have to learn how to get them up on YouTube and put them on here. I have yet to figure that out.

He said his googles kept coming off and it was very hard to swim with them full of water. This means they have worn out already, so time for me to get a new pair. I want to get a really good pair but I have no idea what a good pair is! I'll have to look around for one.

Today, all I did was go to Church this morning and all afternoon I sat on the computer and watched TV. Joe went to a friends house and CJ was sick all night so he stayed home from Church today. He had the runs! LOL!! I think it was from the 4 tacos loaded with hot sauce that he had last night!! He's been fine all afternoon so no problem going to school tomorrow.

Tomorrow I'm meeting a lady (Linda) for lunch. Actually, I'm going with Chuck and his brother Dave (who works for Chuck). This lady is building a big saw for Chuck for sawing up lathing boards, I think anyway. She really seems to like me and when Chuck told her I was selling books on she offered to GIVE me all her books in her attic that where her fathers. Now, she's gotta be in her 50's or 60's so these books are old and are non-fiction books, which sell great on I can't believe she is just giving them to me!! That is just so nice!! I'll have to make sure and give her something really nice besides our business! LOL! She did mention that she is looking for the "Cotton Patch Bible" so I will look around and maybe get that for her for Christmas.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Boys And School

Tonight Chuck went to the parent teacher conference at the boys school. I had to run the boys to gymnastics and swimming and I had a meeting at the church at 6:30 so I couldn't go. I guess the boys are doing really well and all the teachers really like them.

Chuck said that someone stole all the dry erase markers from the English teachers room and she told all her classes how upset she was that someone had taken them and that who ever did she would leave her door unlocked during a certain time the next day and she expects them to be returned. Well, I guess CJ came into her room before school started and said he felt bad that her markers were stolen and he brought his set from home for her. Said he never uses them and that she could have them. How sweat is that!! I never even knew he did that! BTW, the markers showed up in her desk later that day. But CJ really wanted her to have them so he asked if they could be a spare set for her room. LOL!!

Joe's English teacher said that he's very smart and gets most of the jokes she tells that usually goes over everyone else's head. That's Joe for you though, the jokester! Joe's music teacher said he is VERY talented and is the glue to the whole bass section. The only problem the teacher has with him is getting him to STOP playing! LOL!! He very impressed that he only has to tell Joe something once and he really gets it.

So, over all they are doing well. Report cards came out and Joe got all A's and has a 4.0 and CJ got 2 B's and the rest A's. I don't remember his grade point average, 3.6 or something like that. They both made honor roll. CJ would have gotten an A in History but his binder check's were low. He has a very hard time focusing and being organized, so I need to help him with this. If it weren't for that he would have had an A and that made him very depressed so the teacher helped him get it all organized and printed out what he needed and where for his binder.

Both need to improve on there book reports by doing EXACTLY what it's asking for and putting a little more effort into them. But, other than that, they are doing very well.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Okay, my sister Candy has informed me via email that I haven't updated my blog is SIX DAYS, God forbid, LOL!!!!

Well, sometimes my life is just boring! What can I say. I'm not all drama you know!

Well, today gas here is $1.99, can you believe it, they have dusted off there 1! I didn't even know they kept those 1's! LOL!! It's nice to fill my tank and not even get to $50! I used to get $50 and not even fill it up. This gas station only let's you get $50 on your debit card at a time. Amazing!

Yesterday, I grabbed the mail on my way to get the boys from school. I get there and I usually wait about 30 or so minutes. I like getting there early. Anyway, there is something for me to my old address on Mill Street in a big square envelope with just a PO box for a return address. I was going to toss it, since I'm assuming it's junk mail. I open it since I'm bored and a bit curious. To my amazement, it's from Google and it's a check for $309.88!!!! Wow, and I was going to throw it away!! LOL!!! Now, I have NO CLUE where this money came from. It says AdSense, which are those clickable adds I have on my blogs and websites. Now I make about $100 a YEAR with those. I checked my account and it says I have $41 made so far. They only cut checks if you have $100 in your account. Now, how did I get $309.88??? Plus, I have had the correct address on my AdSense account for months. So, I emailed google to see why I got this check, we'll see what they say. I cashed it anyway of course LOL!!

Other than that, I have been running the boys here and there every evening. I take Joe Swimming on Monday from 4-5, on Tuesday Joe has Jr. Phil from 5-6:15 and CJ has gymnastics from 6:30-8:30. Chuck usually takes Joe and I take CJ. On Wed. CJ has music lessons 2:30-3:30 and Joe has jazz/pep band practice from 2:30-4:00. Then they go to Youth Group from 6:30-9:00. On Thursday CJ has gymnastics from 4-6 and Joe has swimming from 7-8. Joe has to come with us because both are in Ashtabula, so we are gone from 3:30 to 8:30 on Thursday nights! On Friday Joe has swimming from 6-7. And on Saturday mornings Joe has music lessons in Erie from 9:15-10:15 and every other Saturday he has a swim meets (which last at LEAST 6 hours). He has one this Saturday and it's about 45 minutes away! So, that is how my life goes right now. It's peaceful till I have to pick them up from school and then it's just crazy!

On Monday morning I met with Sandy's lawyer and he has decided to just go after the APL and he is getting the licensing board involved and looking into the Dr. that supposedly gave Sandy the first spay. He filled on Monday and the paper will run the story some time next week. I will keep you updated on that as things happen.