Friday, January 30, 2009

Day for Doctors

I kept Joe home today as he could barely breath and his ears hurt. I told him to go back to bed. I took him to the doctors at 11:30am and no ear infection, just a really bad head and chest cold. I'm glad about that. I hate when his ears are infected. So, came back home for a bit and then back to the school to get CJ and head off to Cleveland for his neurology appointment. The doctor wants him to try and go off the headache med's and see if his headaches come back. If they do, then he is to go back on them. So, we will try that here soon. Last time we tried he had awful headaches.

We have been approved for the state medical card, all of us, so it was nice that all the medicine and doctor appointments were paid for. CJ is on expensive med's for ADD that we pay $146 a month for. The doctor gave us a 90 day script for it a while back and I couldn't get it as it's $450 script!! So she gave me a few 30 day ones. Anyway, I took that 90 day script and filled it today. That was nice. I have enough med's now to last all school year. I don't know how long we'll be on state medicare but it will be nice.

I got Chuck's sleeping med's today too. The doctor gave him some to help him sleep. He'll go days with no sleep or just some here and there. The doctor thinks that once he is up and moving more again all day it will get better. I hope so cuz he keeps me up!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's been a year!

Well, a year ago today I went to the APL and picked up Sandy!!! She has been with us for a whole year! Man, has it been that long? I remember the very long potty training! It was horrible!! Come to find out she had a bladder infection and that is why she could only hold her pee for 10 minutes! Man, what a pain! Once that was fixed it was much better.

We got SLAMMED with snow today but we had school anyway. Come to find out we were the ONLY school to have school in this area! They got out 1 hour early. Mr. Lyon canceled for music today and Church canceled too so we, for once, have a nice quiet evening at home! We watched some tv, played dice and just relaxed.

I had to shovel at least 5 times today. Must have gotten over 18" of snow! Sandy drives me nuts and I'll have to video tape her. She LOVES getting snow thrown in her face from the shovel. When you are shoveling she will actually get mad if your NOT throwing snow in her face. She will bark at you until you throw the snow right in her face. LOL!! She is a nut! She was outside most of the day. She LOVES the snow!

Here is my "Baby Peter" sleeping on our couch. He's just SO cute!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

New Week

Yesterday we had our friends over for lunch. They came at 1:20 and we sat down to lasagna, corn, rolls, pasta salad, and yummy cake! It was a great lunch! Then us adults played a dice game called "Can't Stop" and I won all three times!! That never happens! The three girls watched the boys play video games. Joe played his violin and piano, CJ mostly just lay down all day as he still wasn't feeling too well.

Today, I did some work on my blogs. I wrote some articles, one of which took me all morning and then my computer froze up and crashed to a blue screen and I lost it all!! The program I use to write them in doesn't save, which sucks! But, it only took me 20 minutes to write it up again. Get this, I usually make between 0-.10 a day on adsense but today I made .96 so far! LOL!! Well, it's something anyway! I started another blog today so I'm up to 5 blogs. 3 have posts that go till the end of Feb. the other 2 don't have any yet. Just getting them set up.

Chuck has a doctor appointment tomorrow at 8:30am which means we all leave here at 6:45am, drop the boys off at school and drive the hour and a half down to the doctors office. Chuck said the past 10 days have been the best and he has seen the most improvement. :)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Joe's Swim Meet

Took Joe to his swim meet yesterday. At least this one was here in Ashtabula. He was really looking forward to seeing what his time would be on his 200 Free and he was doing really good and then the coach started yelling "Go, go, go" which means he is on his last lap and to really push it. When he got to the end he jumped out only to find out that he had another lap to go and because he got out of the water he was disqualified. He cried! He was so upset. He said he lost track too and doesn't blame the coach too much. I felt so bad and so did everyone there! I think he'll be doing the 200 at the next one of the 7th. This next meet, if you place in the top 25 then you go on to the next one and that will be the last one of the year. Then they have a couple months off and they start back up in the summer but will only have one meet this is just to stay in shape. Some of those practices are from 6-7am!! YIKES! Like I want to get up that early during summer vacation! SIGH!!

Today we have friends coming over for lunch. I'm making the birthday dinner. That is what she wanted really bad anyway she said, LOL! I've known Chris since 2nd grade. Her husband and mine like to hunt together. There is no football games today, thank God, so the TV won't be blaring. I HATE having the TV on when we have people over but Chuck likes it that way. His Dad always did that so it's what he knows I guess. I think it's just plain rude! She has 3 girls so my house will be full of noise today, I'm sure!

I'm not going to church today because I didn't get the lasagna made yesterday. Came home late from the meet and I made pizza and we watched TV till bed. So, I have to make the lasagna this morning and through the cake together.

BTW, Candy, your kitchen looks FABULOUS!!!! Man, I wish I had your kitchen!! I remember what it did look like and this one is just GORGEOUS!!!!! So worth every penny!!

Friday, January 23, 2009


Chuck's brother Dave has been busting his butt trying to get out the big order Chuck got for wood all week. He's new at this and isnt' very fast. He didn't get it all done but they were running out of material so yesterday the dropped off what they had done and were going to work on the rest of the order next week. Well, when they dropped it off the company said, hey this will do for now we'll call you when we get low again. We lost $3,600.00 because of that. They have done that before when Chuck took in less then what they asked for. They will be fine for about 6 weeks so that just totally screwed us. We are behind in everything and this was going to help us not lose our stuff. Chuck was so mad and I'm just frustrated.

CJ is home sick today. Yesterday he had a stomache ache and a headache and his back hurts. He didn't go to gymnastics last night, he went right to bed with his computer after school and stayed there all night. This morning I got him up and he was still sick so I just kept him home. I sure hope he doesn't have the flu which seems to be going around at the school.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Another Wednesday

Not much really to say. Just thought I'd check in. Nothing special is going on or has. Kids are doing there same old stuff and I'm driving them here and there. Chuck and his brother Dave are trying very hard to get an order done up by tomorrow so that we can get some money in. I got my money from the APL so that was nice. Got to pay my cell phone bill and some other stuff. We haven't heard yet if we all qualify for Medical from the state yet. I hope we all do, that would help out so much! We did get help with food stamps right away so we are at least eating!

Chuck and I saw a counselor today about Joe. We are worried about him and his anger and mouthy-ness. She thinks he may just have a form of ADD but not the hyper kind. So, we filled out a paper and we are having him and one of his teachers fill one out too. He has told me that he has a VERY hard time paying attention in class and he is extremely forgetful to the point of crying and thinking badly about himself for it. So, once the papers are filled out we will go from there. Joe will be seeing the counselor too, and I really hope it helps because he hasn't been doing very well emotionally, poor kid! But if this were to help I bet he would feel much better. CJ did, he could finally focus and he realized that he really wasn't dumb that he really was smart he just had a hard time with focusing. We should know more next week.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Weekend Stuff

CJ came home about 5:30pm today. Said he had a great time and wished he could go again next weekend! LOL! He'll have to wait a year!

Joe came home around 2pm. He stayed the night with his friend Harding. He did well at his swim meet yesterday. He didn't sleep much so I bet he'll sleep in tomorrow. No school since it's Martin Luther King Jr. day.

I didn't do much today. I worked on my blogs and then I made two double batches of cookies. I made peanut butter chocolate chip and just peanut butter. Joe doesn't like chocolate so I usually end up making both kinds. House smells really good though!

OH, our water came on at 7:50am this morning!! YEAH!!! We spent about $3o in gas to run the turbo heater for 2 days! I can't believe it took that long to get our water back! I must remember to turn on the faucet when it goes below 20 degrees! I had a PILE of dishes to do and it took me over 40 minutes to get them all done too. Now I am doing them again but at least when I go to bed my house will be clean and the toilet will be flushed!! LOL!!

The neighbor came by and plowed our driveway. Kevin is so nice, he does ours every time it needs it. We used to do his for about 3 years so now he is doing ours.

Well, I think that is about it. I don't really go anywhere and I really don't do much but work on my blogs so not much to chat about.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Frozen Pipes

LOL!! My sister Candy just emailed me and said my FeedJit over on the right side of my blog is filling up with people searching for info on frozen pipes!! LOL!! I guess I'm not the only one with this problem today. You know, I thought to myself last night that I should let the water run over night so this wouldn't happen, but I didn't do it! I HATE when I don't listen to myself!! Dave is under the trailer now with the torpedo heater and hopefully the ice will break up and we'll have water again. It was -13 when I got up and it's up to 5 now though that could be wrong as where I have the thermometer is sort of in the sun. I really must move that thing on the other side of the deck stairs!

CJ is gone. Took him to the church at 11:30 for his weekend of fun with the youth group. He will be swimming, bowling, lazer tag, pizza parties, all kinds of fun stuff all weekend. At least they have Monday off from school so he can recoup from all the fun.

I take Joe swimming in about an hour. I should call and make sure it's still a go. I hate driving all the way there for NOTHING!

I'm so mad!!

Man, I was exhausted when the alarm went off at 5:45am but I got up and checked the computer to see if school was closed. I check Channel 3's website. I always have. Every school but ours was closed. I couldn't believe it! Dang, it's -12 out and there is school. I check it again at 6am and still our school wasn't listed so I got the boys up, they got dressed and we watched some TV and they ate and I packed lunches. Then I put the news on before we left to find out our school IS CLOSED!!!!!! We all could have stayed sleeping!!!!!! CJ has a trip he's going on and he leaves at 11:30. Today was a half day of school anyway. I am SO MAD!!! I could have just went right back to bed and left the boys alone if they would have listed our school!!!!! It was on channel 19 that had our school closing. ARG!!! Now, we are all wide awake and can't go back to sleep. This just really pisses me off cuz I haven't been sleeping much this week because Chuck can't sleep. He toss and turns all night long and I get NO sleep!! Last night he took 2 sleeping pills and actually slept all night long, ARG!! I'm so mad there is no way I can go back to bed anyway. Needless to say, I now have bookmarked Channel 19's school closing and I will check them all next time!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Long Day

Today was a very long day and it's only 4:30pm. Got up at 5:45am and got the boys ready for school and then got Chuck up and we all left the house at 7:00am. Dropped the boys off at school and then went into Ashtabula to sign up for medical assistance from the state. We still have to turn in some paper work but it looks like they will pay for all Chuck's medical bills and we'll probably get medical cards for the boys! That would be wonderful because CJ's medicine is almost $200 a month!! We also got emergency food stamps and will have them by the weekend and I can go shopping! We'll get $588 a month while Chuck isn't working. I hate that we need the help but we really do need the help.

After that we got Chuck's drivers license because he has no ID since his wallet was taken. Then I stopped at the library for a book for CJ. Then we drove to the school and gave the book to CJ for his English class. Then I took Chuck over to a shop here in town that buys wood from him and he got a nice order!!! YEAH!! So, Dave will start on that and by next week we'll have a check!! It's something anyway.

I have decided not to take the boys out tonight. I was supposed to have Joe in Fairview for JR. Phil and CJ in Ashtabula for Gymnastics. But the weather got really bad and I am just going to stay home. Joe has never missed a practice but it won't hurt this once and I'm saving a TON on gas!

I didn't do anything with my blogs yet today. They are on autopilot though and have posts going up every day. One though I only have set up for the next couple of days so I have to get some more posts written and set up. You're supposed to have 6 months worth of posts done before you move on to the next blog. I have three up and 2 have 1 month worth of posts and one has maybe 3 more days worth. LOL!! BUT, I have mine posting every day for the first month instead of twice a week. They say to write about 60 posts and have them go up every third day adn then every fourth and then every third and then every fourth, you get the idea. LOL!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Loud Sunday

Man, it was loud here today. The TV was on 25 or higher with football, screaming kids, UGH!! Chuck had Matt come home with us from church. If it were up to me he would have never come over. He's 9 and very loud and hyper. They had fun but man just being in a mobile home it's awful! I usually have the TV on 10 - 12 if I am home alone so 25 is LOUD to me!! He just went home at 8pm and the boys are in their rooms reading their books. Lights out at 9pm here and we watch tv and lights out at 10pm. It's been such a long day!!

I am thinking of moving my blog over to my own .com. I'm thinking sounds good to me. Then I can use wordpress and do what I want with my blog and make it look however I want it too. So, I may just do that sometime in the near future. It will cost $10 for the domain name and that's it since I already have a host.

I have been looking into blogging professionally LOL!! I love blogging and have joined a group that does it for money. Thought I'd give it a try since it really doesn't cost anything but time. Would be nice to make some extra money doing something I like. We'll see how it goes. It's something that takes time to build up so I am giving myself a year!

Well, not much else really going on here. Chuck is doing fine and is up more. He went to church with us today and it was nice to get out of the house and see everyone again. It's been since Dec. 14th since we've been there. He is off the pain med's now and just takes aleeve now. He is finding it very hard to sleep at night so I have been giving him sleeping pills to help him and ME get some sleep at night. It's been helping. If he still has problems sleeping we will talk to his doctor about it when we go back.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Lazy Saturday

I canceled my night out with friends because of this big storm we were supposed to get. The roads stayed clear all night and I could have went, BUMMER!! I really wanted to go. Chuck wanted out of the house so we went over to his parents house for a couple hours. The boys played video games with their cousins and we played cards. It was fun but we ate WAY to much junk food!! I haven't been keeping any here and have fruit out on the counter to eat so we got SO SICK last night!! UGH!!

Joe's swim meet was canceled and so was CJ's gymnastics meet so I didn't have to worry about finding rides for them. My cars front tires are bald and showing wires and the alignment is REALLY bad so taking it out in the snow isn't my favorite thing to do.

The boys wanted to go back over to my in-laws today to continue playing video games with their counsins. So, I dropped them off this morning and will get them later tonight. Right now we are sitting on the couch watching a really dumb movie. I haven't spent this much time on the couch in my life! Thank God for my computer!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Chuck's Update

Took Chuck to the doctor today. He got an air walking cast. Amazing! He can actually put about 25% weight on it. Helps with his balance. He is to stretch his foot forward and back to help with stretching and blood flow. Doc said it will be a good 2 months before he's back to work. I have no idea what we'll do. We haven't found anyone to cut for us and of course his partner, Neal, couldn't give a crap about us so he's no help. I'm a bit stressed over how in the world we'll be able to pay our bills, keep gas in the truck and eat.

We, again, spent 3 hours at the doctors office and 95% of that was waiting around!! SUCKS!!! The next time we go in they made our appointment first thing so we can get right in. We'll see if we actually do!

I took some pictures of his leg when they took his cast off. A bit disturbing so you don't have to look if you don't want too! He got all the staples and stitches out, and he's happy about that!!! The stitches in the middle of his leg is where the bone busted through. The staples on his ankle and knee is where they cut him open to insert the rod and screws. EEWW!!!

I missed lunch with the girls again this week. I really miss seeing everyone!! WAAAAA!!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

My 100th Post!!!!!!

Go me!!! This is my 100th post!!! Boo Ya!!

So, today I had to run some errands. I needed to go to the post office but when I got there it was closed. I forgot today was Saturday. All my days feel the same! I had to return a video that CJ bought that he just doesn't like, but I grabbed the wrong receipt so that didn't happen! But I managed to get groceries and got all our prescriptions filled. Now, I have to go out on Monday to the post office and take back that video!

Chuck wanted to get out of the house tonight. He is going crazy sitting on the couch all day long watching tv all day long! So, we went and watched a movie, LOL!!! But, it was really good. It was "Bedtime Stories" with Adam Sandler. It was SO GOOD!!! I laughed all the way through it! That genie pig is so hilarious!!

Well, tomorrow is the last day of winter break and the boys go back to school. What I don't like is all the activities start back up! I'll be gone every night but Wednesday. This Saturday both boys have meets and they are both away. Not sure what I'm going to do!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well, it's finally 2009 and my first post of the new year. The boys went to a friends house last night so Chuck and I ended up going to bed around 10pm. We watched TV for an hour and then went to sleep. I don't know when the boys will be home. I told them to call me when they were ready to come home.

I am now ready for my life to get back to some kind of schedule. It might be because Chuck is home all day every day. I no longer have any "me" time to myself anymore. Even when the boys go back to school Chuck will still be on the couch. He is doing better but the progress is slow. We still haven't found anyone to work in the woods so we have no money coming in yet which sucks big time!

Not much to post about when you never leave the house. I am trying to figure out a new blogging software, wordpress. Keeps me busy and it might be good to learn all the in's and out's of that software. Love YouTube! If you want to know who to do something check it out there because someone has probably made a video on how to do it!