Monday, April 27, 2009

Beach and Joe

I did manage to go to the beach and look for sea glass. I found a few good pieces. I ended up getting sun burnt too! OUCH! Not too bad though. I walked around for about 3 hours. I should have taken a jacket, it was very windy and I was actually cold! Here was my take.

Can you see the 2 tiny dark blue pieces? That color of blue is SO HARD to find!! I pick up even the smallest of blue pieces! That big white piece is the bottom of a bottle, even has numbers on it. So, not bad for one day. I want to fill this jar by the end of summer.

There were a lot of people down there doing the same thing as me. Guess it's a popular hobby! I saw some folks skiing with giant kites. All the white you see in this picture are shells!!! You do NOT want to walk on those with bare feet!! OUCH!!!

Yesterday I got an email from Joe's music teacher. He wondered where Joe was on Saturday night. Come to find out Joe had a concert for the JR. Phil, at the Warner Theater. They were to play in the lobby while folks where coming in. Joe NEVER said a word about it. All he said was, "Mom, there is a paper in my folder for you." On Tuesday night when he came home from JR. Phil. It was 9pm and I was tired and busy. He never took the paper out and gave it to me and I guess I forgot about it. So, he missed his concert!! Not the main one, that is this Thursday. Chuck and I were VERY upset!! All we did that night was lay around and watch TV! Joe does this. He does it with Band, he'll get in the truck when I pick him up and he'll say, "Oh yeah, we have a concert tonight." He just doesn't remember to tell us anything!!! I'm so upset, because he only plays 2 concerts a year and it would have been nice to play another one. ARG!!!!


Becky said...

This July I want to go looking for sea glass with you! I love to walk along the coast and the girls sure miss their cousins!

MarshaR said...

Sounds like fun! Last time we all went it was cold and windy! Maybe this time it will be sunny and warm!