Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Ah, it's fall, the first frost has come and grapes are in full swing! I bought 2 baskets of grapes this year because for the first time I am going to try my hand at grape jelly! I never did before because who really wants to cook down grapes and put them through cheese cloth, and all that jazz. But the other day I realized that I had a juicer, have had it for YEARS, and that I could just send the grapes through that and be done with it. Well, nothing is really ever that easy! I did put the grapes through the juicer and MAN what a mess!!! Juice everywhere, on the ceiling, in between my toes, and every where else! But, it did work. I had to send the pulp through again as there was still tons of juice in there.
You need 5 cups of juice per batch of jelly. I did up one whole basket last night and today I did up 2 batches of jelly. I still have about 2 or 3 cups of juice left so I will juice up enough to make 5 and then eat the rest of the grapes.

Here is one basket of grapes.

And here is what I got out of this basket. You get 8 jelly jars per batch.

1 comment:

Becky said...

You alway did love those grapes! That's a lot of jelly...I know it's a lot of work! Got to love fall! :)