Monday, October 6, 2008

Laptop Stresses

So, bought laptops on Friday night I was SO tired that I just left all the laptops in their boxes till the next day. I also bought a wireless router box so that I could send out a wireless signal for the laptops. So, Chuck and the boys left for the day to work on Firewood and I got all the laptops out to set up and hooked up the wireless router box and bam, nothing but problems and stress ALL DAY LONG!!

I could NOT get the Internet to work on the laptop. Thought I bought them without wireless cards so I went and bought these USB things to get the Internet. Went to Wal*Mart and saw that every single laptop there came with a wireless card, even the cheap-o's! So, I called the geek squad and yes mine has them built in too so I bought those things for nothing so I had to take them back. Got back home and tried again with no luck. So, I called the geek squad and was on the phone with him for over an hour to find out that the router box I JUST bought is no good!! ARG!!

So, I have an old wireless router box in storage in town that works when it wants too and is very if'y but thought I'd try it. So, drove into town for it and hooked it up and yes, every thing works and everyone is online. It is now 7pm at night! So, we are all online the rest of the evening.

Got up on Sunday to find that I had NO Internet at ALL!! Not even just through my DSL box hooked right up to my desk top. Nothing I did worked so no Internet all day Sunday!! ARG!!!

Come today I took the DSL box into the phone company and they had to reformat the thing. I tried and nothing I did worked. This was free, thank goodness! Took the DSL box home and it worked great, Internet up and running on my desktop. I am throwing away the old wireless router box, it's just plain no good!

So, I run into Ashtabula this morning and got a new, different brand name, wireless router box at Wal*Mart. I also did a lot of other shopping since we are low on food and stuff. So, met Chuck for lunch and then rushed home to drop off my stuff so that I could run back out and get Joe from school. When I unload my truck I notice that I have two bags missing!! Of course the router box was in one of them and 5 new bras and a bag of jerky! ARG!!!!! So, I call Wal*Mart and the lady said she doesn't see anything like that and got my info so they can check the video tapes. I get Joe and we are on our way to Ashtabula for swim team practice and Wal*Mart calls me back saying they found my stuff on the floor under some other stuff, okay what ever!!

So, I shop a little more at Wal*Mart, LOL, I should stay out of that store and I get my stuff get Joe and go home. I make dinner and then get to work on setting up the wireless Internet. I follow the directions to the T and do it really slow so that I know I'm doing it right. I had Internet on all 5 computers in less then 5 minutes and I'm typing this from my new laptop!!

I HATE computer problems, they stress me out and give me a stomachache!

I installed NetNanny on both the boys computers PRONTO!! LOL!! So, I feel better about them having the Internet in their rooms. I will also check up on their computers to make sure they aren't doing something they shouldn't be. Don't need that!

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