Saturday, October 25, 2008

Full Size Violins

Yesterday we went to see a guy that collects violins. He has well over 36 of them in his house. Mr. Lyon (the boys violin teacher) sent us to him because they are all in wonderful shape and for good prices. Here is the table he had set up for the boys to choose from. They started with the cheapest and went around the table to the most expensive.

Were you see Joe standing back there is where it started at the cheapest. See the two at the end of the table on the right? Those are the two they choose. I told them to choose from that side of the table as the ones on the other side are $2K and up.

They have needed full size violins for a year probably. I just never had the money to upgrade. I didn't want to get them student violins again. They have been playing long enough that I wanted really good sounding violins for them. Now, since they are used and from a collector they don't come with bows or cases. So, I still need to get those. He said that what ever your violin costs you want your bow to cost half that much. YIKES!! I may not get that good of bows for them yet. But I won't get the $30 ones either. Some where in the middle I think will be fine for now.

What was really nice is Lance (the violin guy) gave us the violins to try out and see if we really want them for a couple of weeks! He even gave us cases to use and gave Joe a bow. CJ has a full size bow already that I bought him some time ago since his died. We'll have Mr. Lyon look them over and have the boys play on them for a while and then we will decide. Can't do that with any music store or catalog!

Joe feel in love with his violin as soon as he walked up to the table! LOL!! It has a dude on the scroll and Joe just thinks that is so cool. He also loved the way it sounds. Here is the scroll.

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