Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Private School Woes

Yesterday I got a bill from the private school we had the boys enrolled in. CJ went for half a day and Joe went for 2 days. They are saying that we have to pay the FULL YEARS tuition anyway. It states, and they highlighted this part, that any student that withdraws during the academic year will still be liable for the full years tuition!!! Good Grief!!!! We did everything we could to keep the boys there. Chuck was talking with the public school system over a week before school started and the only time the super could meet with him was the day the private school started. What a crock!! I am NOT paying it!! They can take their $15 a month late charge and shove it up their butts! I'm not paying ANY OF IT!! We will go talk with them but I bet they don't give a hoot and they'll say we owe it. Tough crap, they aren't seeing a dime! ARG!!!!!! It was stressful enough to have to put them in public school. I was a mess that week and now to throw this on top of it! NICE!!

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