Thursday, October 9, 2008

Joe's Tooth

On Tuesday night Joe showed me his gum line under a baby molar and it was blistered and gross. Great, another absess. But, Mike is out of the office on Wed. so I took him in there today after school. Yup, it's infected and he asked Joe do you want a shot or do you want me to just pull it out? He said, just pull it out. The tooth wasn't even lose! Mike took some plyers and twisted and jurked and out it came. I heard Joe scream but I didn't run up there cuz then I heard him then start laughing. I guess the tooth flew out and hit Mike in the stomach. LOL! So, he got rid of that nasty tooth and the infection should clear right up. This is the tooth that he cracked some time ago and we had it fixed but he thinks part of the filling pulled out. It was sharp and would cut his tounge. He now has a nice hole in his mouth.

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