Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Cedar Point

We left on Friday the 1st and spent an entire weekend at the park. We didn't get home till 1:30am on Monday, which to me was still Sunday night, LOL!!

I actually rode some scary roller coasters, one was a standing up one that went upside down a few times! We had a really good time. We went into the water park both days too. One water ride was a huge tube that fit about 6 people and we all rode on that one and I screamed the whole time. I was deathly scared of flipping off LOL!! The boys and Chuck said just that was worth the almost 45 minute wait to get on LOL!!

I bought this since we all rode it together. Joe looks terrified, I look like I can't decided what to feel and Chuck and CJ are having a blast. Chuck went with CJ on TONS of scary rides. I hung out with Joe on the less scary rides.

I did manage to go to one Saloon Show that was really good. Had lunch while we watched. We saw another show with BMX bikes and such. That was pretty good too.

CJ and Chuck rode the "Dragster" twice. That thing is fast and supper scary!! You shoot off at about 122MPH up this thing and SOMETIMES it doesn't make it and just at the top it stops and goes back down, YIKES!! This was one of CJ's favorite rides.

All in all we had a really good time. I am still nauseated though and it's Wed.! I hope to start feeling better soon. If I eat anything I have to lay down a good hour to try and not throw it up!

1 comment:

Becky said...

I remember Cedar Point! So glad that you got to take the fam! I can't believe how much CJ has grown up! He lookes just like his uncles (at least riding a roller coaster)