Thursday, August 28, 2008

Jury Duty

Well, went out to the mail box and guess what!!! I have Jury Duty on Sept. 9th and 16th which SUCKS cuz on Tuesday's I do lunch with the girls that day. Any other day would have been just fine! ARG!! I have been meeting a group of ladies every Tuesday for about 6 months now. We all worked out together in the mornings when Curves was open. Now, I just work out with 2 every morning. I HATE missing those lunches. I have only missed one and it sucked LOL!

We'll see how it goes. I hope it doesn't take too long, Joe has swim team try-outs on the 9th at 6:30pm. I want to be there for that!! Ever since we watched the Olympics he has wanted to join a swim team so at the Y in Ashtabula they are having try-outs for their swim team. He can't wait and is very excited about it.

Man, once school starts my life gets very chaotic and drama filled LOL!!!

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