Sunday, August 10, 2008

Family Reunion

Went to Chuck's Mom's family reunion on Saturday down at Albion Park. It was a tad on the boring side. I ate to many hot dogs and ended up sick the rest of the night. I usually try to stay away from hot dogs for this reason but these were really good. We stayed for about 3 hours. I mostly just sat in the gazebo and played with my phone! LOL!

We have had the Olympics on non stop since the 8th. Kids are enjoying all the events. I think I will be Olympic'ed out by the time they are over. I know that the Chinese are trying to pass off 12 year old girls as 16 in the gymnastics events! PLEASE, there is no way they are 16!! What can you do.

Chuck will be flying out to AZ on the 21st to help his brother Dave and his son David move back here to OH. Chuck will be helping Dave drive back. He is FINALLY leaving his wife Karen but she won't let the little one, Matthew, leave too even though he wants to very much. He is 8 I think. Brandy doesn't want to move back with Dave she is 14 and likes her "crowd". She now drinks and gets into tons of trouble. David was starting to turn bad too so Dave just wants to get him out of there. We are hoping that Karen will let Matthew come after a while. They have been married almost as long and Chuck and I but there marriage has been really bad.

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