Saturday, August 30, 2008

Chuck's 39th Birthday

Yesterday was Chuck's 39th birthday. Was a normal day. Kids went to school, I ran around getting everything for dinner and then cooking ALL morning. Ran and got Joe from school, then went back and got CJ after practice and ran him to K-Mart to get his dad a card. Got home had dinner which of course was lasagna! What else would one have on a birthday! We were all so full we decided to have cake later. He opened his cards. Joe got him one that sang about how he was born so very long ago LOL! I got him one that made kissing noises and CJ got him one with a football on it LOL! Then he opened his present. We got him a new pair of work boots that are water proof and have steel toes. The pair he has are falling apart, the soles are coming off and the toes are all ripped up. So, he was quiet happy with the new boots and he wore them to the game.

We all showered and then off to the local high school football game. I hate sitting in bleachers watching games but at least I had my phone with Internet access!! I was IM'ing my friends and reading blogs to pass the time LOL!! We won so that was good. Neal, Chuck's business partner, has three boys in high school and two were in the game and the middle boy was part of the marching band.

This is our dorky mascot. I think one of the cheerleaders is in there. Maybe the one that just didn't quiet make the squad so she's the mascot LOL!!!! We all agree that it's a very creepy mascot! By the way, we are the Patriots, so this must be a Patriot!

We finally got home around 10pm and we did Chuck's cake. You know the one, it's called birthday cake around here, LOL!!

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