Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I still don't have my truck yet. Dean found a problem in the back end but isn't sure what it is so he sent it to a guy that deals in back ends in Girard so we are waiting to hear what it is. My truck shakes and I always thought it was just bad tires but I guess it's not. I hope I get it back soon. Tonight I will have to take Joe to Jr. Phil and CJ will have to miss gymnastics. Last week it was the other way around.

Last night Joe had his Spring Concert for Band at the high school. It was 5th through high school bands and really it was good. We got home late, ate chicken and CJ had to try and finish up his homework. I had to print out his book report, it was a poster type thing. Joe got an A on his!! :) Joe had to have his in last Friday but CJ had till Tuesday. They have different teachers.

My favorite movie broke the other day. I am SO SAD!!! "For Richer or Poorer" is my all time favorite movie and I've had it since the boys where babies and it broke. It was a VHS. I don't know if they had DVD's back then? LOL!! I watched it so much I wore the thing out! I am now going to have to find the DVD.

I couldn't believe it when I woke up yesterday and let the dog out that we have almost 2 inches of snow!! I thought it was spring?? That better be the last time I see snow for a while, LOL! I'm tired of the cold weather.

I'm getting ready for my garden this year. My sister, Kitty, talked me into doing one. I wasn't going to, lazy I guess but I have changed my mind and I'm going to do one. We are going to put it out back where I don't mow but where there are no stumps. We'll have to use the neighbors tractor and plow it up. Hope it goes well! We'll be doing this pretty soon.

1 comment:

Kitty said...

SWEET!! Glad to hear you going to put in a garden. Keep us all updated on all the happenings!!