Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday Ramblings

I don't know how the days get away from me. Here it is Tuesday already. I had a doctor appointment today and had blood work done. We'll see how it turns out tomorrow. I know my cholesterol is high, it always has been. I just wonder how high it is. He didn't put me on med's last time but if it's still high he might this time.

In Church on Sunday, my bra broke! LOL!! I wear under wires and the wire came through poking me so here I am sitting there and I had to take it out, hope no one noticed! Then I noticed that my boobs where uneven! LOL!! I hope no one noticed that either!! LOL!!! I hate when my bras do that!! It's not the first time but it is the first time it happend in church!

I did manage to bake those cookies and I tried to bake bread but it was a disaster! I set the timer for 2 hours to let it raise but I forgot to start it!!! I remembered hours later and the dough was out of the bread pan and all the way to the bottom of the oven! So, I put it all back in and let it re-raise with a timer this time. Then I baked it only to find out that it stuck to the sides so bad it all tore apart. ARG!! So, I still need to bake another loaf of bread. We'll use this one for dinner adn stuff but can't for sandwiches. How frustrating!! I can't seem to remember anything!! The cookies were really good though!

Then on Monday I forgot to eat lunch and got really sick when Joe was swimming at the Y. I had a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and then forgot to eat lunch and took Joe swimming from 3:30 to 5:00. I shopped at Walmart and was fine but when I got to the Y I started to feel really bad. Headache, nausous, light headed, sweating, just really bad!! Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and made my way to the truck and then proceed to eat a whole bag of Chocoloate covered doughnuts!! LOL!! I felt way better in about 15 minutes and was fine for the drive home. I wish I had boughten some fruit or something, LOL! Even crackers would have been better but I had no choice I was so sick there was no way I could have driven home. I hate when that happens!!

1 comment:

heatherdmc said...

I am like that too when I don't eat, especially in the a.m. when I have only coffee and then head out for chores. They all know when I didn't get anything because I start to growl and flip out! I get low blood sugar or something. Oh, and my three valarian help too. :o)