Thursday, February 12, 2009

Bad Wind Storm

Wednesday night while the boys were at church there was an awful wind storm. Chuck and I were on our laptops at the kitchen table when around 8:20pm the power went out. The wind was really howling and shaking our home! I didn't want to go get the boys but I went out to get them right away. I was sure the power went out at the church too. While I was heading down there I saw way we had no power. There were 10 telephone poles all broken in half like toothpicks all in a row into the road!!! I had to drive over the lines!! YIKES!!

Got the boys and yup, no power at the church either, and we head back the same way so I could show the boys the downed lines and we come up to a house just past the downed poles on the other side of the road that had a HUGE tree on top of it!! Man, things are bad out!

Got home and got our generator out and hooked up. I opened the stove and turned it on for the night to keep us warm.

The next day I started up the generator so we could have power for the tv and computers. Gotta have those. Oh, and school was canceled, thank god! We all went to lunch today and I got to take some pictures of what it looks like around here!

Here is the downed tree by the downed lines. I took all these pictures with my phone through my windshield so they aren't the best.

Here is one of the phone poles that was down. There are 10 of these all in a row down the road.

Here is tree down in town.

So, here it is Friday and we still have no power. They are just now finishing up down the road with the phone poles. I hope we have electric soon running off a generator sucks as it can't handle the whole house. I am heating the house with the stove and the boys have to sleep in the living room as it's just to cold in their rooms.

But, Chuck got a roofing job and some inside work too from this storm!! YA!!!! No, he won't be on the roof :)

1 comment:

heatherdmc said...

Wow! That is bad your way. We didn't lose power, but I was up at 4 a.m. filling water buckets in case.