Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day of School

Well, today was another First Day of School for us LOL!! We had to get up at 6am!! The bus goes by here in the morning at 6:25am but I take the boys into school in the morning since I exercise every morning at SNAP Fitness. They were both excited. Joe said he LOVES school and doesn't understand why kids say they hate it. CJ didn't say much but I didn't see him much. Joe rode the bus home, his first bus ride ever! And I picked CJ and Danny up at school and dropped them off at my MIL's house so they could walk up to the football field for their game later. I went back home to wait for Joe and he got home at 3:35 and school lets out at 2:20 LOL!! He said it was fun. I was going to get a picture but I didn't know when the bus was going to get here. I waited outside with my camera for over half an hour and went in for 2 minutes and missed the bus LOL!! So, maybe I'll grab one on Friday.

Tomorrow is music lessons so I pick them up and Thursday is Joe's last Speech Therapy so I pick him up for that. So, Friday he'll be on the bus again. Crazy to want to ride one for an hour every afternoon LOL!! I couldn't wait to never see one again!

Anyway, since CJ signed up late to football, by a week, he couldn't play the first game. Danny also signed up late so they were water boys the first game!

Needless to say, I have to go up to Wal*Mart tomorrow and buy more school stuff that they need. Not too much but enough to make me have to run out and get it LOL!!

1 comment:

Kitty said...

CJ looks less than thrilled being the water boy...LOL. Great picture!!