Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Truck Cont.

Dean called and the clunking in my truck is the bearings. The front passenger side and the rear drivers side both are VERY bad. He said he's surprised they haven't fallen apart. I'm glad I quit driving it! The back breaks are bad too so all in all $840. He said we could make payments, no problem since we know him really well and he's been doing my truck for years. Will be nice to have a safe truck to drive. Now, I just have to find a good price and get an alignment. Dean doesn't do those.

Took the boys up to the school for tennis practice. It's always inside when it's bad weather out. we got there and CJ saw this lunchbox on the sidewalk and he says, "Hey Mom, look, some retard dropped their lunchbox on the sidewalk." Then Joe goes, "CJ, that's yours!" and CJ is like no it isn't a lot of people have lunchboxes that look like mine. I get out and turn the lunchbox around and it has in really big letters on the side CJ ROZALSKI!!! LOL!!! CJ's like, "Oh, I guess I'm the retard!" LOL!!!! That was hilarious!!! I guess it fell out of his backpack when he was coming out of school and just layed there. I'm glad we went up there for Tennis!

Joe's computer is done and now I have to head up to Erie to get it. Maybe on Friday Chuck and I will go get it. Joe is VERY excited to have his computer back, LOL!! The boys really love playing World of Warcraft.


heatherdmc said...

to funny! I can't believe the cost of fixing our rides. It is about 1000 to do that door of ours!

Rhonda said...

too bad you didn't check with me first. we would have done your brakes and bearings for the cost of parts. From my research we could have got the parts for about half of what you will be paying at the shop. Brakes would be less then 50 bucks!