Saturday, February 28, 2009

Movie Night

Tonight Chuck and I went to "Movie Night" at church. We saw "Fireproof" and if you are married I would highly suggest that you go see it!!! It's SO good!!! I don't know how Chuck liked it but I LOVED it!!

The crying babies drove me a little batty but overall it was a fun night. Next month they are showing a movie we have already seen so we won't be going. I have been wanting to see "Fireproof" for some time but I had to shut my netflix off since I can't afford it right now so I'm so glad the church showed it!

All my friends were saying how much they enjoyed it and I can see why, it's a wonderful movie and it makes me want to go out and get the book. They had the book in a gift basket but I didn't win it, at 17 year old single girl did! LOL!! Oh well!

Nothing new happened this week, tis why I haven't posted in a while. Chuck is doing really well and he has been getting work calls, it's waiting on the darn insurance companies to come through with money!! He has one but we haven't heard from any of the others. His leg is doing so much better and he's actually walking in the woods now. Slowly but he's out there!

Gymnastics Meet, Feb. 21, 2009

Here is CJ at his last gymnastics meet on the 21st. He got a blue all around and did really well. Ignore the swimming you see in this video, I'm not a pro LOL!! He didn't do as well on the horse and mushroom and the floor but all the rest he got a blue ribbon on.

Monday, February 23, 2009

CJ's Gymnastics Meet

On Saturday we drove to the west side of Cleveland for CJ's gymnastics meet. The drive there was fine, road where good. CJ did really well and got a lot of blue ribbons. He got a blue overall, so he did really well.

We got there at 4:30 and we left at 8:00. When we came outside it was snowing. CRAP! My front tires are partly bald and water and slush make me go all over the place. Let me tell you that was the worst night of my life!! It took me 2 hours to get home which is only 30 mintues more then it took me to get there but I was SO SO SO SO stressed out!!! My whole body hurt by the time I got home. My hands where asleep from gripping the wheel so hard, I lost my voice and I never even spoke all the way home! That was some scary shit!!!

When we were only 30 minutes from home a blizzard hit and I could barely see a thing! I had to keep telling myself that I was going to make it, that I was fine, I was doing great, only 3 more exits to go, etc. When I got off the interstate I was almost crying with relief! It was wonderful to pull into the driveway.

Chuck said that we HAVE to fix my tires and get the truck aligned. It's so bad!! :( It wasn't till we were home that I found out I couldn't talk! I had to use the heating pad on my lower back as it hurt really bad. I didn't get to sleep till after midnight either.

I will post his videos sometime when I have the time to upload them. Takes hours you know!

CJ and the ER

Took CJ to the ER last night. He had a sore on his leg that he thought was a pimple and it got worse on Saturday during his gymnastics meet. When he got home he put a hot cloth on it and popped it and drained it. I told him if it was worse the next day I would have it looked at. So, I did and it was AWFUL!! It's a nasty boil and the skin was really red all around it as big as my palm!

So, took him in and the bed beside us was a little boy getting a stitch in his lip, he feel down the stairs. He was SO cute! He never cried and talked the whole time! Then the doctor left and I figured he'd come right back in, WRONG! We waited 45 minutes till he came back and CJ said, "So, did you go on lunch break?" LOL!!!! He looked annoyed and said, "I have 9 other rooms besides this one, you know." Then CJ's cell phone goes off and he said, "Oh, gotta text." and pulls his phone out and reads his text dismissing the doctor, LOL!! The doctor said, "Well, I'll let you get that and I'll work on some stuff and come back." He was gone for 30 minutes!!!!! LOL!!!!!

CJ said, "Well, he can't take a joke." We know the ER doctor cuz CJ is there a lot but this guy was new. I told CJ to just keep his trap shut this time and NO PHONE!! LOL! The doctor was just outside at his desk LOL!!

Anyway, they gave him a few shots to numb the area and then broke it open and drained it. Put him on antibotics and an antibotic cream to put on it. They took a sample to be sure it's not staph infection as that is and has been going around, around here. I think it's just an infected hair root, we'll know in 3 days.

It looks MUCH better today. No more puss so I think it will clear right up. That area hurt really bad all night and day. I gave him an excuse from PE today. Here he is right after the doctor was done with him.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Rough Day

I got sick today around lunch time. My head started to hurt, I was shaky and a little nauseous and I just felt horrible. I spent the whole day on the couch watching TV till it was time to leave. I never do that! I left a little early because we needed some food for the weekend so I went to Save-A-Lot before I got the boys from school. I got to the school a little early and while I was waiting I got sicker. I didn't think I would be able to drive home. At 2:19 I remembered that Joe had an eye appointment in town at 2pm. I totally forgot!! I called but they couldn't see him since we missed his appointment. I felt SO bad!!! He really wanted to get his eyes checked, he thinks his prescription changed. He is having a hard time seeing at school. He can't get back in till March 3 at 11:15am now. I still feel bad about that. It's on the calendar and I knew about it all week long! I was just so sick today that I totally forgot!

I did mange to make it home and the boys brought in the food. I went right to bed and stayed there till morning! I feel fine today even went to SNAP and worked out today. I have no idea why I was so sick. I wonder if I'm having a hard time with my blood sugar levels and that is what is making me so sick, no idea. I had oatmeal and a pear before working out and did just fine.

I still have to find a low cholesterol diet because the doctor wants me to follow one. I need to get my cholesterol down or I'll end up with a stroke or heart attack at 40! SHEESH!! I can't believe it went up so high. Here is what I have found:

Less than 200

Desirable level that puts you at lower risk for coronary heart disease. A cholesterol level of 200 or higher raises your risk.

200 to 239

Borderline high

240 and above

High blood cholesterol. A person with this level has more than twice the risk of coronary heart disease as someone whose cholesterol is below 200.

So, why isn't the doctor concerned with my cholesterol number? He is more worried about my blood sugar levels. No idea but I am going to ask him when I see him on the 13th. He's on vacation right now for 2 weeks so I'll have to wait.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Blood Work Results and Other Stuff

Okay, my blood work came back and yup my cholesterol is high, 272. Highest it's been. It was 255 so now it's even higher. Guess I better go on a strict diet!! Get this, you know how I ate that whole bag of doughnuts? Well, my blood sugar was low! It was 64 and it should be 75-106. So, I have to have blood work done again in 3 weeks and if it's low again I guess I'll be going on med's. I told the nurse about how I ate that whole bag of doughnuts and wouldn't you think that would make it go up? She wondered how low my blood sugar went to make me that sick and for it to be that low even with all those doughnuts! YIKES!!

Chuck was supposed to go to the doctor today, we woke up to some major snow. He got up with me and we dropped the boys off at school but we only made it one exit and we turned around and came back home. It was too bad out to make it the hour and a half there and back. Good thing, it snowed all day long. We rescheduled for next Thursday at 3pm. Chuck will drive himself since I have to get the boys and do gym and swimming that evening.

Joe is still giving me grief. It's odd, CJ does everything you ask him, no complaints, does it right away, don't have to remind him, etc. Joe is the exact opposite. Today, after school, they have 1 hour before we leave. I told Joe he was NOT allowed on the computer and he was NOT allowed to do NOTHING he had to either 1. do his homework, 2. do his violin, 3. read his book. So, he went into his room to "read" and slept instead. SO, he's now grounded for a week from his computer and had to stay home tonight instead of going swimming to get his music, homework and reading done. I wonder if he'll do any of it. He works VERY hard at doing as little as possible. It's always been like this. One of them is always causing me grief. If CJ is being horrible the Joe is great and when CJ is great Joe is horrible!! Been that way all through homeschooling them. They could never be great at the same time!! ARG!! Getting Joe to do ANYTHING is like pulling teeth!!!

Speaking of teeth, Joe went in for his first orthodontic appointment on Wednesday. It will be a 2 1/2 year proccess and first they are going to widen his top jaw, I think. That is a retainer that has a key and you turn it every week and it widedens in the middle. Then braces will go on after that I think. All told it's $4,300.00 but we are hoping that our insurance will cover it but we won't know that till summer. I have no idea what takes so long to be approved but it does.

I called XM radio to have my radio shut off since I can't afford the payment this month and they gave me 3 months for free if I chose not to cancel! LOL! I said, sure why not! I don't have to pay till May 19th. I LOVE my radio and would have really missed it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday Ramblings

I don't know how the days get away from me. Here it is Tuesday already. I had a doctor appointment today and had blood work done. We'll see how it turns out tomorrow. I know my cholesterol is high, it always has been. I just wonder how high it is. He didn't put me on med's last time but if it's still high he might this time.

In Church on Sunday, my bra broke! LOL!! I wear under wires and the wire came through poking me so here I am sitting there and I had to take it out, hope no one noticed! Then I noticed that my boobs where uneven! LOL!! I hope no one noticed that either!! LOL!!! I hate when my bras do that!! It's not the first time but it is the first time it happend in church!

I did manage to bake those cookies and I tried to bake bread but it was a disaster! I set the timer for 2 hours to let it raise but I forgot to start it!!! I remembered hours later and the dough was out of the bread pan and all the way to the bottom of the oven! So, I put it all back in and let it re-raise with a timer this time. Then I baked it only to find out that it stuck to the sides so bad it all tore apart. ARG!! So, I still need to bake another loaf of bread. We'll use this one for dinner adn stuff but can't for sandwiches. How frustrating!! I can't seem to remember anything!! The cookies were really good though!

Then on Monday I forgot to eat lunch and got really sick when Joe was swimming at the Y. I had a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and then forgot to eat lunch and took Joe swimming from 3:30 to 5:00. I shopped at Walmart and was fine but when I got to the Y I started to feel really bad. Headache, nausous, light headed, sweating, just really bad!! Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and made my way to the truck and then proceed to eat a whole bag of Chocoloate covered doughnuts!! LOL!! I felt way better in about 15 minutes and was fine for the drive home. I wish I had boughten some fruit or something, LOL! Even crackers would have been better but I had no choice I was so sick there was no way I could have driven home. I hate when that happens!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Long Weekend

Well, our power came back on Friday evening. Our generator ran out of gas and I went out to go get more and noticed that all the neighbors had lights on and no one was running generators any more. So, I'm glad I didn't have to spend another $10 for gas! We flipped some switches and we had power again. Thank goodness!

So, the boys didn't have school on Friday because it was parent/teacher conference day and they don't have school on Monday either. So, they have a very long weekend since there was no school on Thursday because of the power outages. They are mostly playing the new game world of warcraft. They each bought themselves the game and it comes with a 30 day playing limit. This is a pay as you go game. I think it's $15 a month to play. I told them I am NOT paying that, so they have to pay for it themselves. They will have jobs this summer and then they can play again. LOL!

Saturday night we went over to the neighbors house for cake and ice cream. We stayed for 2 hours and when we got home all of us had to shower and I washed everything we were wearing! I hate when people smoke inside and they live in a smaller trailer then we do! This is the neighbors that used to scream cuss words at us as we drove by. We are trying to make them sort of friends so we don't have to put up with that any more. I invited them over to our big picnic on July 28th 2008 and since then it's been much better. The kids come over and I get them music off the net for their MP3 players and the Dad is getting there though he won't wave when we pass at least the swearing and screaming has stopped LOL!

I feel like being lazy today. We have church this morning and then we'll just come home and have lunch, watch TV and lay around. Sounds good to me! I need to make some cookies and bread today. We'll see if that happens. I have a REALLY good no-bake recipe that I have been making. Usually when I make them they taste yucky but this one I got from a lady at church and it's really good! But I should make some peanut butter ones too today.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Bad Wind Storm

Wednesday night while the boys were at church there was an awful wind storm. Chuck and I were on our laptops at the kitchen table when around 8:20pm the power went out. The wind was really howling and shaking our home! I didn't want to go get the boys but I went out to get them right away. I was sure the power went out at the church too. While I was heading down there I saw way we had no power. There were 10 telephone poles all broken in half like toothpicks all in a row into the road!!! I had to drive over the lines!! YIKES!!

Got the boys and yup, no power at the church either, and we head back the same way so I could show the boys the downed lines and we come up to a house just past the downed poles on the other side of the road that had a HUGE tree on top of it!! Man, things are bad out!

Got home and got our generator out and hooked up. I opened the stove and turned it on for the night to keep us warm.

The next day I started up the generator so we could have power for the tv and computers. Gotta have those. Oh, and school was canceled, thank god! We all went to lunch today and I got to take some pictures of what it looks like around here!

Here is the downed tree by the downed lines. I took all these pictures with my phone through my windshield so they aren't the best.

Here is one of the phone poles that was down. There are 10 of these all in a row down the road.

Here is tree down in town.

So, here it is Friday and we still have no power. They are just now finishing up down the road with the phone poles. I hope we have electric soon running off a generator sucks as it can't handle the whole house. I am heating the house with the stove and the boys have to sleep in the living room as it's just to cold in their rooms.

But, Chuck got a roofing job and some inside work too from this storm!! YA!!!! No, he won't be on the roof :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Update and stuff

I know, I know, it's been a while since I have written anything. Guess I have been busy or just didn't want to complain all the time on here! LOL! Let's see, Joe had a swim meet on Saturday at the University of Akron and the pool was HUGE! 16 lanes! Had to get up at 5:30am to be there by 8:00am. Thank goodness Chuck just sold a cord of wood so I had gas and money to eat with. Joe has been working on his 200 free and he got disqualified by not touching the pool edge when he turned. He turned too early and was at least a foot away. I felt SO bad for him!! He took it really well though. He was really upset but didn't throw a fit. He did well with his other events and placed really high in the relay. He went home with a friend after the meet so I drove home by myself. CJ went to stay with a friend too so Chuck and I had the house to ourselves that night. All we did was watch TV I was SO tired! Went to be at 8pm LOL!

Then on Sunday Chuck and I went shopping. Nice to have food in the house again. That took about 4 hours. I can understand how Kitty feels about hating to shop!! Gosh, if I could, I would shop for the whole month too. We do about 2 weeks at a time. Chuck is doing much better so he wasn't too bad but then we went got to Lowes he rode in those electric carts LOL!

Chuck is walking around the house without crutches but not really walking more like hobbling. He can't bend at the ankle normally yet I guess. When he is outside he wears his air cast but not always with crutches.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

In a Funk

Meant to write a long time ago. I have a video of CJ's gymnastics meet that I wanted you all to see but it takes HOURS to upload!! I will have to let it run over night some time. He did really well though.

Nothing much has gone on this week. Chuck is walking around the house without crutches. When he goes out he wears the air cast and uses his crutches.

I called about getting state aid cash and found out that I can get $556 a month if we work 55 hours a week. We would be making about $2.50 a hour. I guess that is one way to try and keep people of cash assistance! Come next week we'll have about $50 and that's it. It's been scary. I hope we can find some way to bring in something to keep gas in my truck. We have both been depressed about our money situation this month. Nothing we can do though and I'm sure we'll be fine even if we lose everything, we'll still be okay. Thank God, I own my truck and the house we live in.

We've been having problems with Joe and that hasn't been helping. He is SO lazy! He got a D on his book report and thinks that is fine because he'll still pull off a B in the class. ARG!! He just does only what he has too or less. He's also very defiant, mouthy and angry. We have him in counseling at the church and we both go too. I hope it helps. I'm so stressed out!! Most days I just want to cry.

Well, hopefully I'll get that video uploaded and you all can see what CJ can do!