Monday, December 22, 2008

Frozen Pipes

Well, got up this morning to find about 3 feet of snow outside and about 2 degrees out. I also flushed the toilet only to find that the water wasn't re-filling in the tank. I went out into our mudroom and found that the heat tape we have wrapped around the water pipe coming into the trailer from the well, was unplugged. I had forgotten all about it and never plugged in in this year! It's been in the single digits all night long. I plugged it back in and 30 minutes later I heard the toilet fill up.

The boys used the bathroom and around 9:30 I filled water up in the large bowl for Chuck's bath. He still has to be washed in bed. We tried to do it at the sink but he was in so much pain that only lasted 5 minutes and we didn't get to wash his hair. So, anyway, got him all cleaned up and then CJ informed me that there was no water! It's now 10am and the water is frozen again. This time it didn't come back on.

My BIL, Dave, came out and is trying to get our water back on. The turbo heater won't start so we can't heat up the pipes to get them going again. I'll have to leave some water running while it's really cold out.

Chuck has his doctor appointment tomorrow and it's over an hour away. Hopefully he'll do okay and everything will go well. I will keep you posted on him and our pipes!


Kitty said...

Sometimes, the hits just keep on coming...

MarshaR said...

When it rains it pours I guess. My life is never dull! We still have no water and it's 7pm! We have had no water since 10am. This sucks!

Rhonda said...

Wow! You are not having a good month! I wish I could help ya out with the water. My husband is home till Jan.5th if we can give you a hand at all. I am still prayin' for ya! God bless!