Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Today I made some doughnuts. I haven't in a long time and thought today was a good day for it. So, Joe helped cut them out and we made doughnuts!

Then I through them in the deep fryer. I know, very unhealthy, but it's Christmas!

Here are the finished doughnuts!

And doughnut holes!
Then I moved on to the cinnamons rolls. First you fight with the dough to get it all rolled out.
Then once you finally get it to this point you add butter and then cinnamon and sugar.

Then roll it up!

Then I use dental floss to cut them into 1 inch pieces. I'm thinking next year that I will do 2 inch pieces next time. They just don't rise like I want them too and then end up small and hard when I cook them.

We watch "The Bucket List" earlier in the day and then before bed we watched "A Christmas Story". We did put up the tree after the fist movie. So here is our tree this year.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Those cinnamon rolls look really good!