Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Chuck's Appointment and Shopping

Man, it's been a week and I am wiped out. We got our pipes unfrozen around 8:15pm. We had no water since 10am. I was so happy to have the water back. It's amazing how much you use it when you no longer have it! I had to melt and boil snow to make dinner! LOL!!

I did all my running yesterday. Chuck had a doctor appointment at 10:45 and it took an hour and 20 minutes to get there. The lobby was FREEZING and I had to sit there for 3 hours!! I was frozen! The appointment went well, we got pictures of his x-rays and I could see all the brakes, screws and the rod. The staples are still in but he got a new soft cast put on. It's a bit smaller and lighter then the last one. The trip really wore him out. He slept most the rest of the day. We go back on the 6th.

I spent one hour at home and then took the boys and did the rest of our shopping. I bought a small tree since we don't even have one up yet. Mine is HUGE and really doesn't fit in our trailer. This one is much nicer and doesn't take HOURS to put up. Walmart was packed and I was so stressed cuz I really didn't know what to get Chuck and the boys wanted to know what to get me. SIGH!! Spent over an hour in the store. Joe got a walmart gift card for $10 from him swim team party and he had it in his hoody jacket pocket and someone stole it. You can see right into his pocket and anyone can reach in and take it. I felt bad but again he shouldn't have had it there. He said it's uncomfortable to have things in his back pocket of his jeans. Well, maybe he'll think twice about it next time. I almost took it from him when he showed it to me when we first got there but I was so stressed over what to get everyone that I just didn't. I know I should listen to that voice inside me!! I have kicked myself every time I ignore it!!!!

Well, I got everything I needed and got everyone home. I was beat so I just threw everything in the closet to deal with tomorrow. I didn't want to go anywhere on Christmas Eve.

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