Thursday, December 18, 2008

Chuck's Accident Cont.

So, Charlie had to be picked up with a front end loader and be carried out of the woods. So there stories were so much alike, it was funny. He got hurt here in Conneaut, says he likes to hunt and fish up here and would love to live here but his wife's family is all down around youngstown.

The second night wasn't that great. We all fell asleep around 10pm and at 1am the awful nurse comes into the room, turns on the light screams "Hey Charlie, Hey Charles, time to get up for your pain medicine." Then she picks Chuck's bad leg up and shoves another pillow under his leg and does the same thing to Charlie. All she did was make them hurt even worse! Then she finds me there and comes over and smacks my legs and starts screaming at me "Hey get up and get out, you can't be here!" Said I would have to leave cuz this isn't a private room and since he has a roommate I would have to leave. That made Charlie mad and said he wanted me to stay that we are all friends and I wasn't going anywhere. That made the nurse mad and with all the commotion the LPN came in and the RN left. Thank God! The LPN said I could stay and she would talk to the RN. We never saw the RN again and I'm glad. They got their med's but the guys where in so much pain and were upset by the whole ordeal that they couldn't sleep so they stayed up talking for over 2 hours. The nurses told them in the morning that they almost came in to tell them to be quiet and go to sleep cuz they were so loud, LOL!! They both don't hear that well. We had the room right across from the nurses station.

Then at 4am this little old lady comes out to the nurses station and starts screaming at the nurses that she should have had her med's at 3am and it's now 4am and why aren't they there yet and why didn't the nurse order them when she told her too, etc. She went on and on and was no mean and nasty and LOUD!! SIGH!! There is NO resting in hospitals!

Then by 6am everyone was coming and going, nurses for med's, blood pressure and temp. people, those that give baths and clean the beds, physical therapy, doctors, just on and on all morning long.

The nice thing is that you can order your own food from a menu and get as much of it as you like so Chuck ordered double so that I could eat too so I didn't have to spend money on the expensive cafeteria food. The food was actually good too.

A little after lunch we found out that both Chuck and Charlie could go home, took over 4 hours to get a set of crutches for Chuck and Charlie had to wait over an hour for a wheel chair ride to his car. I had to walk over to another building to get Chuck's med's that he has to give himself twice a day. He is on shots that he gives himself in the stomach twice a day for blood clots, I guess so he doesn't get any. Just a 28 day prescription the guy told me it was over $1,000.00 for the stuff! I was lucky he had enough there someone didn't pick up theirs so he had enough. I'm glad. I didn't have to pay for that but I did have to pay for the pain med's and there were 2 and each was about $16 so that isn't too bad.

We finally made it home at 5:30 and of course coming into the house a piece of ice gave out and Chuck slipped and hit his bad leg on the stairs. Poor guy, CJ and I helped him up and into the house. We got him on the couch and I gave him 2 pain pills and he slept till 9pm.

He is fine, and basically sleeps on and off all day, I think the pain pills makes him tired. He gets around the house alright on his crutches but he is still in a lot of pain. Once the pain gets less he'll be able to move around more. I don't think he'll be leaving the house till the 28th when we have Christmas at my sisters house. We just have to be sure no one touches or bumps his bad leg.

I have to put up the tree, which is in town and I have to get yet. I guess the boys are going to have to help me with that. Chuck was going to help me with that this weekend. I'm glad that tomorrow is the last day of school, I will do a LOT LESS running around with the boys come Monday. Just CJ will have gymnastics but other than that, I don't have to run anywhere! That will be a very nice break.

Today, I took the boys to school and came right back home and went back to bed. Didn't get up till 9am. I'm still very tired and I feel like I could sleep all day. Tonight is my long night out with the boys. I leave at 3:30 and get home at 8:30. I hope he'll be okay while I'm gone. Then tomorrow night is Joe's Christmas Party at the Y for the swim team and that starts at 6pm. Then on Saturday Joe has a swim meet and they go all day and CJ has caroling from 3-8 and I have to make sure he gets a ride to that. Joe really wants to go too but can't cuz of the swim meet. So, come Sunday I don't think I have to run anywhere and live can slow down a bit.

I'm glad we got our Christmas shopping mostly all done on Friday night. There might be a few things I will pick up but mostly it's done and I have it all wrapped! When my husband was hit by a train in 2000 that was on Dec. 14th and I had all the Christmas stuff done then too but we had the tree up, this time we don't. He had surgery on his right leg with the same recovery time. This accident was on Dec. 15th. We told him he should just take December off and not do anything around that time of year, LOL!!

We are looking for someone to cut trees down while Chuck is healing so that we can keep working and making some kind of money. I hope we find someone by next week.

Come to find out, his wallet and cash are gone. When I went for his clothes, they were all over this room they keep them in and there was nothing in his jeans pockets. Chuck told them to give the wallet and cash to his brother but they didn't and they are now gone. So, had to get a hold of the bank for new bank cards, I checked and no money has been taken out of either accounts! He has to get a new drivers license once he is up and around, we'll do that. Just sucks to have this happen on top of everything else!

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